Saturday, March 22, 2008

Election Year Fear At Tampa International

Vehicle searches began this morning at the entrance to Tampa International Airport's short-term parking garage as part of a federal plan to help prevent a bombing at the terminal......Via The Tampa Tribune And Fox
They say they're trying to keep possible terrorist guessing by constantly changing up the security procedures at the airport.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Smiley Takes On Obama At Florida Memorial

Talk show host and political commentator Tavis Smiley dove headlong into the controversy over Barack Obama's former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, as he headlined Florida Memorial University's Second Annual Presidential Scholarship Banquet last weekend........more

Proud Of The Tampa City Council

Tampa joins a growing number of cities supporting the move away from one of the worst forms of factory farm animal abuse. Tampa joins Hollywood, West Palm Beach, Winter Springs and New Port Richey in passing such a

See Avril Lavigne In Tampa For 9 Bucs

click here

Obama/Richardson 2008

What A Nice 21st Century Couple They Make
Here are a few reasons why.

Walk for Water In Hialeah, Florida

In many parts of the developing world, people have to walk for miles every day just to get the water they need to drink and cook. To highlight that daily challenge, activists in Hialeah, Florida, plan to hold a Walk for Water

Liberty Girl: My Governor Rules!

From Charlie Crist office, in response to my open records request:
A search of our files revealed an electronic file responsive to your request. These files are contained on a CD. We can provide this CD via U.S. Postal Services. There will be no cost for this service. Please send an address for us to mail the CD. Thank

Florida's Powerfull LGBT Community

The media has recently focused more attention on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues in Florida, which are playing an increasingly important role in the state’s contradictory political climate. Florida has one of the most vibrant LGBT communities in the country, while also continuing to have some of the most restrictive laws; Florida is one of a few states that still explicitly bans adoption by gay and lesbian

Daniel Ruth Bashes Howard Dean

Dean isn't the chairman of the DNC. He's the pinched homeowner board president busybody from hell, armed with his clipboard, ever on the prowl for the improperly painted mailbox, the oversized yard flag, the dreaded errant open garage

The Sins of Debbie Wasserman Schultz

But the Republicans that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is hugging tightly are three Members of Congress who have actually had the power to make the Cold War colder in a small area of the world off of the U.S. border -- Cuba. They have thrived despite the phenomenal failure of the US embargo of Cuba and have succeeded in keeping a more serious interest-driven US foreign policy toward Cuba from ever taking But the Republicans that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is hugging tightly are three Members of
Debbie Wasserman Schultz seemingly turns a blind eye to the suspension of justice, the nepotism, and the corruption that have surrounded the Miami side of the US-Cuba policy feud. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL-18) has helped protect and then celebrate the achievements of Cuban-American terrorists -- particularly Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada -- in both Florida and in her Congressional role in Washington.
Either Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz does not read, is ignorant of the background and activities of these three Republican congressman, or she is complicit. Which is it?........Steve Clemons