Saturday, January 28, 2012

First Lady Visits Tampa Grocery Store

First Lady Michelle Obama visited a Tampa grocery store Thursday as part of her tour that promotes healthy lifestyles for children.

Tampa To Become Gateway To Cuba

In some of her most extensive public comments about Cuba, Tampa area Democratic Congresswoman Kathy Castor says it's an "exciting time" on the Communist island in regards to some of the modest free-market reforms recently enacted under President Raoul Castro, and she says Tampa can become the gateway to Cuba, but emphasized reforms must continue to happen there.

Tampa Bay Says No to Islamophobia

School yard bullying can take many forms. So Hillsborough County
school superintendent MaryEllen Elia and School Board chairwoman Candy Olson
are to be commended for standing up to the forces of bigotry and ignorance.
The pair on Tuesday rightly defended Steinbrenner High School history teacher Kelly Miliziano,
who recently invited a Muslim speaker to her classroom,
much to the narrow-minded consternation of local political gadflies, conservative activist
Terry Kemple and David Caton, executive director of the Florida Family Association.

Tampa Dentist Dr. Randall Diez

Dr Randall Diez gives free dentistry to the poor by sponsoring a Dental Emergency Day.
New York Times has reported that more and more Americans forfeit their health care visit to the doctor because of not able to afford their insurance co-payments. Neglected dental care can cause gum diseases and tooth loss and other health problems like heart diseases, liver diseases, diabetes, pregnancy problems like having still-born babies and pre-matured babies etc.
Help us spread this word about the Dental Emergency Day event to your friends, families and neighbors etc who could use some help in dental care.

Obama At The Cuban Club

Another visit would be nice.