Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Marco Rubio Rescue

We'll probably need Sarah McLachlan warbling a few bars of Angel to get through this public service announcement in support of "The Marco Rubio Rescue" organization. Won't you please help find our poor, beleaguered and homeless junior senator a new Tampa office? Just a few pennies a day could make all the difference. here

Urge Florida Legislators to Support an Animal-Abuser Registry!

Animal abuse is a community concern, and people who abuse animals often do so repeatedly and harm humans as well. With this in mind, Florida legislators are considering House Bill (H.B.) 871, which, if passed, would require residents convicted of felony cruelty-to-animals crimes to register, thereby providing law-enforcement officials, animal shelters, and concerned citizens with quick access to a list of offenders in their communities.
This important measure needs your voice. 
Click here 
and please urge your Florida legislators to support
 H.B. 871.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Lake County Sheriff’s Office ISIS Style

Florida GOP At War With Cities

Republicans, who control political power in the White House, Congress and most state capitals. Their allies are shadowy groups like Americans For Prosperity (aka the Koch brothers).
The enemy? Cities.
Those teeming, overcrowded havens for immigrants, Democrats, people of color, millennials, academics, free thinkers, transit riders and other undesirables. here

Tampa Hoods - Downtown

City Hall

Openly Racist In Charge Of Rewriting Florida's Constitution

Carlos Beruff ran against Marco Rubio and lost. He has virtually no political qualifications. He's rich, openly racist, and good friends with Rick Scott. loves Trump, called Obama an animal.  and reveled in being dubbed the "Cuban-American Donald Trump." here

HART Stops

#4 Bay to Bay Blvd.
Smell the Jasmine

Monday, April 10, 2017

Jacksonville Police Cause Riot at Peaceful Anti-War Protest

Draft Asher Edelson For Something

 Edelson 2018

tell him you want him to run.


Republican legacy

U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes and the Republican Congress will never investigate President Donald Trump’s ties to RussiThe Texas Republican Legislature never sanctioned state Attorney General Greg Abbott after he accepted $35,000 from Trump and refused to investigate Trump University. The Florida Republican Legislature has given its imprimatur for Florida’s Attorney General Pam Bondi, who solicited a $25,000 bribe from Trump before deciding not to investigate Trump University.

Now that Trump has been forced to pay $25 million in partial damages for the fraud he committed with Trump University, the only winners are Abbott, who today is the governor of Texas, and Bondi, who is still the attorney general of Florida.
The GOP is the party of coverups and obstruction of justice — the Nixon legacy.