Thursday, June 8, 2017

Hillsborough County $2.5M In Corporate Welfare

Hillsborough County Commissioners are expected to consider granting a new Siemens joint venture a seven-year tax break if the German manufacturer elects to develop a new $130 million, high-tech factory in the county. here

Bob White: Open Letter to the Legislators of Florida

For years I’ve traveled back and forth to Tallahassee attempting to have an impact on the legislative process. I’ve watched the way things have worked in Tallahassee and have become disgusted by it. The people of Florida have been shut out of the process. We have had our voices muffled and silenced. As one back room deal paves the way for the next back room deal, the people of Florida have continually footed the bill for pet projects, higher regulations (that we then have to live under), corporate welfare schemes and crony capitalism projects. more

Meet Shawn Harrison

Pride SWFL

Visit them here

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Help The Stogie Stay Corporate Free

Redemption For Mayor Buckhorn

After Trump pulled the U.S. 
out of the Paris Accord:
“President Trump will go down as being on the wrong side of history for a number of things but pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement may be the most damaging to our future." 
Bob Buckhorn
"We are begging him to be on the right side of history and join over 60 mayors around the country and his friend St. Pete Mayor Kriseman in taking action on climate change at the local level." YCS

Marco Rubio Busted!

$1 million from a pro-Putin 
Ukrainian businessman..
Could undermine his entire political career?