Saturday, August 12, 2017

Rev Bruce Wright Speaks Out On Terrorist Attack In Virginia

To Whom It May Concern For Immediate Release Concerning Vicious attacks by White Supremacists and White Nationalists Against Protestors
We, the undersigned, unequivocally condemn the actions and violent protests of Neo Nazis, White Supremacists, and White Nationalists in Charlottesville VA. Furthermore, we will not tolerate Racists or Fascists that support Islamaphobia, sexism, racism, homophobia, classism, or Anti immigrant actions. We call for immediate legal actions against these White Nationalists. We call for President Trump and the Government of the US to condemn these actions. We call for the arrest on charges of terrorism against these white supremacists, especially those involved in the injury and death of Anti Fascist protestors at the hands of the vehicle that ran over protestors. Finally, we condemn Trump, the US Government, the Governor of Virginia and the state and local Police for their lack of action against these White Nationalists for their violent actions. We further call the Police and Government as complicit, especially the Trump Adminstration, in those who died and were injured in these brutal attacks. We also hold Fire officials guilty for allowing the Nazi style torch march. We demand that actions happen immediately against the organizers of this rally and march. We demand that actions happen immediately and with extreme prejudice.
Poor Peoples Economic Human Rights Campaign, Refuge Ministries of Tampa Bay, Pinellas County Green Party, Revolutionary Road Radio Show, and Revolutionary Caucus of Tampa Bay
contact Rev Bruce Wright spokesperson
727 278 1547 or

Dayna Lazarus Taking The Fight To USF

Dayna Lazarus one of our brightest and committed comrades is taking the fight to USF. She is leaving her job as the climate justice organizer with Organize Florida and is starting a full-time Masters program in Urban and Regional Planning at USF Tampa and a Fellowship with the Hillsborough MPO.
Her words here
As always we love her and 
wish her well!

Ybor Green Carpet

8.27 - 12 PM
First Chance Last Chance Bar

The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay


Florida Highway Patrol Quota: 2 Tickets Per Hour

The Tampa Bay Times reported this week that Maj. Mark Welch of Troop H in Tallahassee had sent troopers under his command an email that said, "the patrol wants to see two citations each hour." Maj. Welch reportedly added that it was not a quota. here

HART Looking For Passengers

#15 3:30 PM - Net Park

Scott Shoup On GOP Tax Reform

"I'm really becoming tired of reading in major new outlets that tax reform is the Republicans signature issue. They can't have an honest discussion on the effects of high-end tax cuts on the economy, seeing how they ran on a platform of budget deficits all during the Obama administration. Now in 2017, with honest Republicans like William Buckley and Nelson Rockefeller long gone from the stage, Republicans will rely on a extremely dumbed-down voter base and a President who is a master of media manipulation to try and pass their economic poison. Of course, I should mention corporate Democratics , too."
Scott Shoup -  Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay