Thursday, November 2, 2017

Mobilization To Tallahassee To Stop Anti-Immigrant Efforts

We have to mobilize to Tallahassee on Tuesday. Our state legislature is trying to sneak through an anti-sanctuary enforcement bill that would criminalize and punish communities that try to create welcoming and protective environment for immigrants with heavy fines and restrictions of fund, in an effort to continue separating our families through deportations. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

At Asiatic Street Food & Noodle Bar
Ybor City
Eat Local

Jack Latvala Busted Smooching With lobbyist In Tallahassee

A covert surveillance camera recorded him planting a kiss on the cheek, then the mouth, of a female lobbyist. here

Tampa Hoods: Ybor City

Ybor City, Florida

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida in Orlando

Pulling the party leftward
"This took an insane amount of negotiation" Jessica Vaughn

Supporting Economic Justice & Prosperity for all Floridians
Supporting the Right to Free, Accessible, Equitable, and Quality Public Education, Investment in Trade and Technical Schools, and the end of the For-Profit Education Industry that takes funds away from Public Education
Safeguarding the Equal Rights, Inclusion and Protection of All People
Supporting Equity & Reform in the Criminal Justice System
 Environmental Justice for All Floridians
 Ending Felon Disenfranchisement in Florida
Supporting Voting Rights for all Citizens and Expanding Voter Participation
 Supporting Home Rule & Opposing Big Money in Politics
  Supporting Immigration and Immigrant Rights
Supporting Health Care as a Human Right
Keep Florida's Public Land and Beaches Publicly Owned
Promoting Responsible Gun Ownership and Common Sense Gun Safety
 Identify and Advocate for Florida Veterans and Military Families
Supporting Greater Youth Engagement in the Florida Democratic Party
 Supporting Patient Centered Treatment for Drug Addiction Recovery
Honoring Diane Glasser and  Bernie “Bunny” Steinman

Our Leaders

Beth Eriksen Shoup, Marcus Klebe, Marina Welch,
 Kent Bailey, Andrew Davis and Scott Shoup

Images by Jessica Vaughn

Gus Bilirakis: Reaction To The Robert Mueller Indictments

"I support investigative efforts as we work to ensure that our democratic process is protected from external interference, but it's important that we are not distracted from the important work at hand like tax reform. Rest assured though, that anyone who has violated the law should swiftly be brought to justice. To date, I have not seen proof that there was any wrongdoing by the President or collusion between his campaign and Russia." Source
Lets not get distracted from the transfer of wealth 
from the poor to the rich. 

University of South Florida: Let Adjuncts Vote

University of South Florida adjuncts filed for a union months ago. Ever since, USF has done everything it can to keep them from voting.
It’s not right to deny adjuncts their right to a fair and free election. Add your name at right and tell USF to let adjuncts vote!
Adjuncts filed for a union election last semester, but the University has employed every possible tactic to block their vote. They’ve even tried to claim that adjuncts aren’t employees. It’s time for USF to stop dragging its feet and let adjuncts vote.


Corbett Kroehler 2007: Make America Ours Again

Repost from 2007
I’m Corbett Kroehler and I’m running for Congress in Florida’s Eighth District. here

Florida's Koch Private School Network

With school choice efforts stalled in Washington, the billionaire Koch brothers’ network is engaged in state-by-state battles with teachers’ unions, politicians and parent groups to push for public funding of private and charter schools.
Beware of  so-called Hispanic organizations such as the Libre Initiative. 
In Florida mailings in Spanish and English supporting a Florida law that encourages charter schools in communities with low-performing schools. After Rick Scott, a Republican, signed it into law, the state Democratic Party said he’d “declared war on our public schools.”