Monday, November 13, 2017

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Welcome Mariella

County Commissioner

In our hearts since the start. here

Beth And Scott Shoup On WMNF Sunday Forum

WMNF 88.5
The Democratic Party from a Progressive viewpoint. What's wrong with Democrats and how do we fix it.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Shirley

Wild And Crazy Tallahassee

Former and current legislators and lobbyist are losing sleep waiting for the next sex scandal shoe to drop. here

Tampa Hoods

 Port Tampa

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Adult Beverages Not Allowed On The Streets Of Ybor

The Stogie Rum Runner

Riverwalk downtown.
Why not Ybor?
We think we found a solution

The mix can be found here - $2.00

The Captain here - $3.00
Disclaimer: This post is humor.
We are not telling you to break the law.
 Proceed at your own risk.

Ybor Paparazzi


Occupy Gainesville General Assembly

12.2 - 5:30 PM
Gainesville City Hall

Tampa Mayor Always Watching

CVS Wall facing Gaslight Park
Downtown Tampa