Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Local Photographer Kenya Hughes

Like her on Facebook

Top 10 Conservation Moments of 2017

Join Them Here

Ione Townsend A Graham Fan?

“Certainly, some number of our troops really want someone with more progressive leanings. There are progressive purists who are not tolerant of some of her votes and taking the district that she represented into account.”
 Ione Townsend
Where some people see a relatable PTA mom promising to shake up the status quo in Tallahassee, others see yet another centrist establishment politician.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Ken Hagan 2017

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Beans and Rice
At Rio's Cafe in Tampa

Tampa Hoods


Working Families Party

Working Families is a growing progressive political organization that fights for an economy that works for all of us, and a democracy in which every voice matters. 
Today, hundreds of thousands of individuals are part of the Working Families community, along with a growing number of labor, community, environmental, netroots, youth and faith organizations. You can get involved in one of our state chapters in Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania or in Washington, DC. Check it out here
With Florida full of Fake Progressives, any organizers out there want to start our own chapter?

Tampa Paparazzi

Happy Holidays

Monday, December 25, 2017

New Year's Resolution - Eat Local

What Pilar had for lunch
Tacos with Rice and Beans
Taco Bus - Downtown Tampa
Hit corporate America where it hurts.
Eat local, help your neighbor, keep your money at home!

Florida's 20 Year Right Wing Infestation

2018, will mark 20 years of one party, one ideology rule in Florida politics. 
Fight Florida’s right wing establishment
Energize and mobilize progressive voters
You can start here

Andrew Gillum for Florida Governor

Lets take Florida back from the GOP 
and Corporate Dems.