Monday, January 1, 2018

Your Christmas Present from Florida GOP Dennis Ross

On the morning of December 22, Donald Trump signed into law the most significant change to our nation’s tax structure in recent memory. here
Proudly standing out in front of this financial disaster was our own Representative Dennis Ross.
He was proud to lead the charge and push through Washington’s billion-dollar version of Wall Street corporate welfare.
Visit him at

Sunday, December 31, 2017

The State Of Tampa Politics: Jodi Tripp Perlman Cohen

Going into the new year, I am on the fence about politics in Tampa. Clean energy and juvenile justice are on a good path. Projects like restorative justice, affordable housing, houselessness and mass transit seem stuck in the mud. In addition, public schools are drowning in a quagmire of politics and limited resources.I see hope in the persistent pushing by several progressive organizations to keep human issues in the spotlight and offer up positive solutions. However, our most important goal should be to elect candidates for strategic offices who will fight with a moral compass and undying zeal.

Recent victories featured the election of Pat Kemp and Andrew Warren. There are a number of declared candidates who are focused on our stagnant system and offer supportive ideas to improve the lives of the PEOPLE (not the credit rating) of Tampa. We need to stand behind them and get them into office. As is true in the rest of our nation, contenders outside of The Party have difficulty raising funds to launch and continue their campaigns. If we do nothing else, we should support these folks so that their voices can be heard during the election process. We need to give voters a true choice.....not just a selection of the "least worse."

Jodi Tripp Perlman Cohen

Tampa Bay Progressive Goals 2018

Tampa Paparazzi - Gaspar's Patio

Gaspar's Patio in Temple Terrace
Visit them on Facebook
My second home for over 25 years!

Friday, December 29, 2017

The State Of Tampa Politics: Asher Edelson

The state of Tampa politics is a microcosm of American national politics, and related dramatics. At the federal level, our leadership dwindles with corrupt officials slivering about in pursuit of a maximized payday and egotistical triumph. Petty theatrics follow suit, with genuine pockets of sincere political work amid the bullshit. In Tampa Bay, we have a high degree of potential for more effective governance, as well as less corrupted leadership. Alas, we have a city which is ever nearing the point of self implosion, as the rubber stamp embellishment of Downtown Tampa pompously invites more people into an already crowded region. Greater Tampa Bay aches for true public transit, while higher ups foolishly debate the logistics of constructing new toll roads as our traffic situation becomes more and more dense. Traffic inciting, time consuming construction will be necessary to expand transit; and politicians from Tallahassee to Downtown want to waste said time on their boondoggle tolls. 

Meanwhile, our far right insists on playing the lemming while Washington commits embarrassing atrocities in spite of lessons not learned from the past (Dubya). Our far left insists on little to no compromise, and approaches the point where genuine allies cannot exist in a world where dialogue must be included. Our “middle” is not the true middle, but the right, as it is in most parts of the USA. With all of that being said, we Florida Democrats — Blue Dogs, Progressives, true leftist Activists — move into 2018 to win some elections and make good on issues that matter. The elephant in the room is the extent of deep red pockets in our Sunshine Bay Area. 

We cannot rely on each Republican nominee being a pedophile, nor can we expect right wing voters to turn out against their Murmans and Crists and Hagans and Snivelys in support of a Democrat. I hope that left wing operatives can lend the Blue Party a hand and search out third party opposition to the GOP in upcoming elections. I hope that Democrats can GOTV and raise ample funds. Whatever we do here, if we do it correctly, we Democrats might be on to something for the rest of our country. Until that time, the state of Tampa politics needs a kick in the ass in order to secure decent policy making and sincere leadership.
Pun intended. 

Asher Edelson

Tampa Paparazzi


Women's March 2017 - St. Pete