Friday, January 5, 2018

NO to the Bathhouse Ordinance Rally!

Saturday, January 6 at 4 PM
Gaslight Square Park - Tampa

The Wrath Of Jack Latvala

There is a growing fear among Florida politicos that disgraced former state Sen. Jack Latvala could use millions of dollars in remaining campaign funds to attack political foes that he believes orchestrated his ouster. here

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Vigil For Erica Garner In Downtown Tampa

RIP Erica Garner We Love You Here In Tampa!















Joe Chillura Courthouse Square Park, Tampa

The State Of Tampa Politics: Russell Hires

What was the state of Tampa politics in 2017? I’ll answer, but before I do, I want you to know that these are the things, really, that when you read this list, you realize that you could have written this. And by the way, I admit it. I can’t tell you much about the state of Tampa politics before 2017, but I can tell you what happened in 2017.

I did. I happened. I showed up. I participated. I became a leader. I did not wait for things to happen. I made things happen. I went to fund raisers. I donated to candidates. I went to meetings. I attended trainings. I talked, and I listened. I became involved in a campaign or two. I phone banked. I went knocking on doors. I became a member of the DEC. I voted. I gave voice to issues and ideas that I care about. I shouted from the rooftops! I persuaded. I was persuaded. I wrote to my member of the House. I wrote to my Senators. I called them, too. I went to the Women’s March. I went to other protests, too. I signed petitions. I asked other people to sign petitions. I sacrificed. I learned and I grew. I thought about this stuff way too much. I made many new friends, and lost a few. I went to the Florida Democratic Party Convention. I helped build and grow the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay.

The state of Tampa politics in 2017 is vastly improved, and by reading the list above, it’s because I/we/you did all of those things together. And we did them in greater numbers, with more voices, and more volume. We were heard loud and clear. Separately, I’m sure someone reading this did something valuable that isn’t on this list, and that should be celebrated. I’m proud of what we have achieved together, and I look forward to putting our hard work to the test in 2018 to get more Progressives in office, where they belong.

Russell Hires

Tampa Paparazzi

Tracy and Shelly

You Decide Which "G" Is GOOD For Florida!

Join The Revolution here

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The State Of Tampa Politics: Kevin Beckner

For 2018-2019, I predict that the political climate in Washington and Tallahassee continues to grow increasingly toxic with partisan politics and it becomes increasingly difficult to pass progressive legislation. At the local level, however, opportunity abounds for passionate individuals who have a desire and unwavering commitment to serve their community as a member of the Hillsborough County Commission, School Board or Tampa City Council.

Kevin Beckner

Mariella Smith for County Commission 2018

Visit her website here
Like her on Facebook
We have been waiting to post this for a very long time!
Check her out on this blog here and here
“Mariella has been a tireless advocate for our neighborhoods and our environment. Mariella has spent decades working for smarter growth and transportation investments that will get us out of gridlock. I look forward to serving on the County Commission with Mariella Smith so we can work together to build a prosperous future for Hillsborough County.” County Commissioner Pat Kemp

Tampa Paparazzi


Andrew Joseph, III Memorial Weekend 2018

February 9 – February 11
Take a stand we can never be silent. Remind Tampa, Florida of it's own lingering injustices. Remember Andrew Joseph, III killed at 14 years old, Safety First Denied. Let's remain coordinated and steadfast in our commitment for truth, transparency, justice and accountability.
We Can't Stop and Won't Stop.