Monday, January 22, 2018

2018 Women’s March & Day of Action - St Pete

Images by Kate Connolly

Images by Michelle Cookson

Images by Russell Hires


Join them on January 31st to fight for Clean Water, Clean Air, and Clean Energy! This is your chance to speak to your legislators about critical issues happening in Florida. 

Andrew Gillum: Fair Share for Florida’s Future

While his Democratic primary opponents Philip Levine and Gwen Graham are relying on piles of money and a legacy name to boost their respective candidacies,  Gillum has issued meaningful, detailed policies and criticized the positions of Rick Scott, Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis and other high-profile Republicans. here

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Reclaiming My Mind With Jessica Vaughn

Chats with Susan Smith President 
of the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Tampa Paparazzi

Bob with friend
Gaspar's Patio

Florida Taxpayer Funded Lies

The Florida Legislature funnels taxpayer dollars to “crisis pregnancy centers,” (CPCs) anti-abortion organizations posing as legitimate health care clinics. Under the guise of providing reproductive health services and pregnancy-related information. here