Thursday, January 25, 2018

The State Of Tampa Politics: Marina Welch

One year ago I helped organize the largest single day protest in US history. I was brand new to activism although, upon reflection, it’s been in my blood for decades. I believe the awareness brought about by the Women’s March on Washington has inspired our country, our state and our community to stand up, fight back. 

I had prided myself on always voting but have since learned how woefully unaware and uneducated I was in the realm of politics. This year has afforded me the opportunity to meet amazing activists and social justice warriors. I blindly believed that my vote was enough, that justice would prevail. I woke up on November 9, 2016 to the reality of that delusion.

I have learned the value of phone calls to legislators, the importance of showing up at their office. I stand with those working to rid our state of traditions in which people legally control other people and supporting issues that don’t necessarily impact me directly. What is most important is to be connected to the goal, which is justice for all, even if our motivation is different.

The reason I share the effect this year has had on me is because I know I’m not alone. Women are speaking up in numbers this country has never seen before. First-time female candidates are running for offices big and small, from the U.S. Senate and state legislatures to local school boards and county commissions. We are educating ourselves and each other on issues that affect us all. 

The reason I know how impactful this movement has become isn’t because of the press coverage or the number of women running for office. Last year my youngest daughter refused to listen to anything I tried to talk about regarding Women’s March or the potential consequences resulting from the election. I tried to engage her in meaningful discussions but she wanted no part of that - her vote was enough.  This year we are marched together in Roanoke, Virginia and she volunteered with the local Women’s March to put on this event.

This year women organized rally’s and marches, #PowerToThePolls, as a campaign to register and engage voters for the 2018 elections. Our collective power is rooted in one another and having a wave of women pouring into public office will bring forth the issues that draw support from women in both parties. Celinda Lake said, “Women candidates help energize women voters and in close races you win with women voters.” If I can help mobilize 26,000 Floridians to D. C. I can help mobilize 26,000 (and more) Floridians to the voting booths in 2018.

Women are the backbone of every society. Never underestimate the strength of a woman-led movement.

Marina Welch

Ybor City Homeless

Meet Greg

Andrew Gillum: Fair Share for Florida's Future

Republicans know a blue wave is coming in Florida and that when we're in charge, three decades of corporate tax loopholes will be closed to fund teacher pay raises, world-class public schools, and job training programs.

Chat With Pat Kemp In Valrico

1.22 - 6 PM
Bloomingdale Public Library
1906 Bloomingdale Ave., Valrico

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Silence From The Florida Democratic Party

Yesterday I wrote about Bill Nelson's cowardly act of ending the government shutdown. Where are the voices of the Florida Democratic party leaders? Not a peep from any of them. I will not mention names, you know who you are.
With his vote he not only took the wind out of the sails of Dreamers but of the progressive wing of the party who have been trying to frame this as a Trump/GOP shutdown.
Now today a post on the questionable website "Florida Politics" a survey is posted that Bill Nelson’s approval is best among senators running in swing states. A survey that is dated January 23, 2018.
how Convenient. 

Progressives Party In Ybor With Mariella Smith

L'Union Italiana

When Mariella throws a party, everybody comes

Kent Bailey and Kate Connolly

Marina Welch

Our next mayor Ed Turanchik with Jim Bleyer

Kathy Castor

Pat Kemp

Kimberly Overman

Rebecca Barkdoll

John & Lynn Dingfelder

Dave Cutler

Endorsed by Kathy Castor, Pat Kemp and Linda Saul Sena
Help Mariella Win here

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Florida DINO Bill Nelson Has Betrayed Us Again

He votes to reopen the federal government without an immigration deal.
He was unable to contain a wide smile while explaining that a deal he helped broker was the best possible compromise to get federal employees back to work while getting Republicans to commit to a vote on the status of Dreamers.
Mitch McConnell did not commit to a deal or compromise for Dreamers on Monday, something that many Democrats previously said was a condition for reopening the government after it shut down on Friday night.
 He thinks the American people are going to be cheering that this occurred. Not here, we see you as weak, no backbone. We will just have to wait to see what happens in 3 weeks to see if we will be cheering or not.
Florida, you will be electing a new governor this year. Remember this is what you get when you elect middle of the road corporate Democrats like this. They are either extremely naive or sheep among wolves. 
All the hard work Liberal activist put in to make this #Trumpshutdown has now become #Demscave.

Call him at 202-224-5274 and tell him how much you appreciate his cowardice!
Check out Tamika Lyles
*Champion Education
Medicare for All
Minimize Poverty
* Advance Women’s Rights
* Protect Senior Citizens
* Support The LGBTQ+ Community
* Fight Climate Change
Innovate Immigration Policy
Meet Ms. Lyles here

Stat Map Demo - City of St. Pete

2018 Florida Legislative Update: Week 2