Saturday, February 10, 2018

HART Riders


Homeless Helping Homeless In Tampa

Gaslight Park - Tampa
Visit them here

Progressive Andrew Gillum For Governor Of Florida

Gwen Graham has the thinnest resume of the three candidates: one term as a Congresswoman representing a battleground Big Bend district.  Her definition of “reaching across the aisle” meant voting often with the Republicans such as favoring the Keystone 
XL Pipeline. 
Andrew Gillum’s name recognition will increase as he travels the state and articulates the progressive values of the Democratic party.  With the FBI investigation behind him, he can energize Millennials, Latinos, African Americans, progressives of all backgrounds, and mainstream Democrats who are yearning for a charismatic candidate with ideas that don’t clone Republican policies and platform.
It happened at a December community meeting in Tampa.   Gillum’s remarks were met with enthusiastic applause; the energy didn’t end with the formal meeting as young adults surrounded him outside the meeting room for conversation and photo ops. The positive reaction to Gillum’s appearance by Millennials is key to Democratic aspirations statewide.
Millennials and Gen Xers made up 50 percent of the voters in 2016, but their turnout was only 59 percent compared to 75 percent for all voters statewide. more
Take Florida Back - Join The Revolution

Tampa Bay for Gillum 2018 here

Antique At Marion

Print Media
Marion Transit Center - Downtown Tampa

Friday, February 9, 2018

NO to ICE-Hillsborough County Sheriff Detention Scheme In Ybor

Call Sheriff Chad Chronister
Tell him to stop!

Rays Coming To Ybor

Fake News: Our fearless leader Corporate Welfare king Commissioner Ken Hagan and his corporate cronies will unveil a plan to build us a new Rays stadium in Ybor. 
Beware the catch! "The guarantee of sponsorships and ticket sales will be a major factor in how much the team will contribute toward a stadium." 
Hillsborough County taxpayers will not have to hand out a dime for construction of the new stadium or the surrounding infrastructure.
Thank you Mr. Hagan and your corporate friends. To us Tampeños who don't like baseball this will be a great addition to our beloved Ybor!

Gwen Graham’s Minions Spreading Propaganda

Florida gubernatorial hopeful Gwen Graham, her operatives, and allies view Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum as her primary threat for the Democratic nomination and are attempting to marginalize him through a nasty 
whisper campaign.
Her minions are not so subtly telling Democratic voters that Gillum is one of the targets in the FBI investigation of City of Tallahassee contracts.  That rumor, fueled by Graham’s operatives in Democratic circles has filtered into social media.  Gillum’s lack of involvement has been chronicled but the Graham campaign, along with her Times ally perpetuate an outdated, discredited story.
Graham’s media ally, the Tampa Bay Times reported the fiction.  Former senator and governor Bob Graham, Gwen’s father, sits on the board of the Poynter Foundation.  The Poynter Institute is the majority stockholder in the Tampa Bay Times.

By Jim Beyer - Tampa Bay Beat

Issa Meeting! Love Ethic - St. Pete

2.13 - 6:30 PM
Community Center Child's Park

Rosa Parks Reserved Seat On HART

Seen 6 people sitting in it so far this month. 
There were other seats available. 
Please stop it! Have some respect. 

Anti Free Speech Florida GOP Randy Fine

 He wants Lorde’s concerts in the state canceled because of the singer’s involvement with the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction (BDS) movement.
The BDS movement was recently nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, but this republican wants Lorde’s Florida shows canceled, citing a Florida law that says no state or local government can conduct business exceeding $1 million with any organization engaged in a 
boycott of Israel.
He has sent letters to the Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority and the Tampa Sports Authority Thursday demanding they cancel Lorde’s
Do not cancel Lorde's Florida concerts because 
of anti-free speech laws! here