Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Berners In Tampa Bay

Campaigns End.
Revolutions Endure!
Discouraged by so called Progressive groups in our bay area?
Bernie's Revolution Continues
And here

The Super Muslim Comedy Tour In Tampa

3.25 - 6 PM At USF

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Right Wing Idiot Nancy Stacy Of Marion County, Florida

Marion County Superintendent of Schools Heidi Maier’s decision to turn a national “school walkout day” on April 20 into a civics lesson about the Bill of Rights has infuriated School Board member 
Nancy Stacy.
Stacy accused Maier of “bowing to the left (liberal agenda)” if she allows any protests to take place, adding that the superintendent is being used by the “political idiots of the left.” 
“We all know the students didn’t arrange a thing here or Tallahassee or nationwide,” Stacy said. “This is another example of why we need (school) vouchers for parents to escape this abusive manipulation of their
 children’s minds.”
“This is nothing but a sugar-coated excuse to let the gun control politicos come play in our local public school sandbox to participate in the national movement to control the minds of America’s most innocent,” Stacy continued. “You simply brilliantly put sheep’s clothing on this wolf skillfully tying it to making America great. Instead we are giving liberal academia a platform as an inroad to speak AGAINST what makes America great which is our right to protect ourselves.”
Read more of her BS and why we are not all speaking German today.
In 2014, Marion County teacher Tracey Newton was caught on camera pinning a 10-year-old autistic student face down on the ground with his arms behind his back.
Marion County’s School Superintendent wanted her fired, but the School Board decided that the teacher won’t even be disciplined. the School Board decided Newton did nothing wrong. Board member Nancy Stacy cast the deciding vote, "We aren’t going to punish this teacher for being a great teacher" Stacy said.

Local Bad Ass Roz Oaxaca Moffett

Local Progressive Roz Oaxaca Moffett is damn amazing.
I have to say I am biased but my wife is one Progressive Bad Ass.  She is the quiet hero we all strive to be, and from the time she was a small girl to now, she is a social justice warrior.
From a young age in California, the equality and dignity of her fellow humans has been very important to her. Roz and her family fought for the basic human rights of migrant farm workers such as access to fresh water, bathrooms and banning the short-handled hoe usage.  There were many years the Oaxaca households did not eat grapes, and later the Moffett home was sans Publix tomatoes.
In High School and college she continued to work with the United Farm Workers, often saying, “I am first generation out of the fields, it’s my duty to keep the ladder of opportunity available and wide.” For relaxation she worked with the Special Olympics as a hugger at the end of the races.
When we lived in Omaha she was an active member of the Democratic Divas who met and gave sage advice to a young Gov Howard Dean as he was preparing for his run for the White House before Iowa. She said, “If I would have known, I would have told him not to scream!”
While in Florida only 12 years, she has made an impact.  From being President of the East Hillsborough Democratic Club to managing three congressional races to working with the Obama campaign to starting the Progressive Underground to raising three progressive and compassionate children, she is actively making a mark in Hillsborough County.  As well as dozens of pairs of worn out shoes from canvassing.
I am humbled and honored to call her my best friend, my comrade in arms, and my wife. Today is our anniversary of 20 years, think of the difference she will make over the next 20!
Don Moffett

Tampa Bay's Pissed Off Commuter Bunny: Depend Adult Diapers

Demand Term Limits for Tampa Mayor!

Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn has been a horrible choice for our city. Join me in Downtown Tampa to demand term limit reform which will keep Buckhorn from running for a third term in the future!
On March 28th we have an opportunity to ensure Buckhorn never gets elected to be our Mayor again, and to ensure decent space for millennials to move into public office. here

"Battle Cry" - Brandon Parsons - Music Video For Parkland FL

Tampa Bike Lanes

Brave Cyclist 

Central Florida Berniecrats Looking For Candidates

Monday, March 19, 2018

Coffee with Rep. Sean Shaw

Last January, Rep. Sean Shaw entered the race for Florida’s Attorney General. Standing on the steps of the Florida Supreme Court, where his father once served as the first African American Chief Justice; he declared his candidacy.

Shaw has been an advocate inside and outside of the courtroom his entire career. His father instilled the value of servitude in him at an early age. His passion is for consumer advocacy, and he even served as Florida’s Insurance Advocate from 2008 to 2010. 

Shaw is the commonsense candidate that will fight for the rights of Floridians. His desire to uphold the law and protect the citizens of Florida was ingrained in him since he was a child. He has been a progressive voice in a decidedly stagnant party. Shaw is the clear choice for the Attorney General in 2018, and we implore our readership to vote for him.