Saturday, May 5, 2018

West Coast Apprenticeship Council Career Fair In Tampa

Visit them here

Florida DINO Patrick Murphy For Governor?

Florida DINO Patrick Murphy would be tied for second if he jumped into Florida’s Democratic primary for governor, according to a new poll that shows he could nudge into first with one unorthodox move: Picking Republican David Jolly as his running mate. here
Please Note: The survey, was conducted by Murphy’s former pollster and paid for by an unnamed Murphy supporter.

ButchQueen & The Bad Habits of Lakeland

Punk rock purveyors, ButchQueen & The Bad Habits 
are an explosion of snarling anti-conservatism in their reactionary, right-wing home of Lakeland, Florida.

Tampa Hoods


Friday, May 4, 2018

Corporate Democrats Force Progressive Bob Buesing Out Of State Senate Race

Alex Sink, the corporatist Democrat who set a modern record for political futility, was a key figure in marginalizing progressive Florida Senate candidate Bob Buesing, forcing him out of a very winnable race. 
 Sink, Bank of America’s former president for operations in Florida, favored fellow corporatist Cruz, a late entrant, over Buesing as did Florida Democratic Party chairman Terrie Rizzo, and Hillsborough State Committeewoman Alma Gonzalez, all supremely divisive figures within the Democratic party.
Buesing was threatened with the denial of crucial endorsements and financial support if he contested late entrant Cruz in a primary.
 Like Rizzo and Gonzalez, Sink is out of step with modern Democratic thinking.
Sink. Rizzo. Gonzalez.  Those are the influential leaders with archaic thinking that are torpedoing Democratic hopes in the country’s most populous swing state.
Progressives are furious at Sink and her cronies, with many promising to withhold their votes from Janet Cruz.
For Alex Sink, pleasing Republicans takes priority over promoting Democrats as a party of inclusion.  One month ago she proudly served on the honorary host committee for the election of Republican Sheriff Chad Chronister.

By Jim Bleyer

Tampa Paparazzi

Zora and Kelly

Another Rat Off Florida's Sinking Ship

Florida GOP Joe Negron announced that he is retiring, a move that means he will not serve his final two years in office. here

Tampa Corners

Angel Oliva Senior St and Via Pizzo - Ybor City

National Housing Week Press Conference in Tampa

Saturday, May 5th
 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM
Tampa residents are coming together on May 5th to hold a press conference to demand that local electoral candidates make affordable housing a priority. This press conference is one of many actions around the country demanding action on affordable housing as part of National Housing Week (May 1-8), first started by the nonprofit organization Our Homes Our Voices.
Here in Tampa, development is at an all-time high, but affordable housing is not a priority of developers, nor most of our current elected leaders. An increasing number of people, including veterans, nurses, teachers, and students, are competing for a shrinking pool of affordable housing units. Workers need a place to live that is close to their jobs. This is particularly true in a city with dismal public transit options.
Over 1,000 units of affordable housing have been torn down in the downtown Tampa area in the past 5 years, but developers are not required to replace what they destroy. Common sense policies should be passed that require developers to build at least as many affordable housing units that they remove. Election season is right around the corner. Leaders at all levels of local government must recognize the importance of affordable housing to the economic and social vitality of our city, and must make regulations that facilitate the development of affordable housing a reality.
Who: Our Homes Our Voices, Transit Now Tampa Bay, Organize Florida, Hillsborough Community Protection Coalition, Sex Worker Solidarity Network, Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign, Sky White for Board of County Commission
Where: Sidewalk in front of vacated North Blvd. Homes affordable housing complex at intersection of Main Street and Willow Avenue

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Florida GOP Marco Rubio's Lack Of Cojones

First he tells the truth....
Earlier this week
"There’s no evidence whatsoever that the money’s been massively poured back into the American worker." here
Then he takes it back....
"Overall, the Republican tax-cut bill
has been good for Americans."
He is walking back some of the criticism he leveled against the new Republican tax law earlier this week, now claiming the measure “has been good for Americans” overall. “On the whole, the tax cut bill helps workers. It’s just not massive tax cuts to multinational corporations that do it,” Rubio wrote in an op-ed for National Review. here