Saturday, September 22, 2018

Sydney Eastman RIP

Thank you for your courage.
You will be missed by so many,
we will never forget you!

Ybor Paparazzi

Danny, Meri and Carlos of Chillum

DeSantis quit lying about Gillum

Ron DeSantis, who has had about as much human contact with the great unwashed of the state as the Unabomber, has suggested Gillum would impose a state income tax if he won. The beefcake boy of Fox & Friends also has hinted Gillum has a soft-spot in his heart for child molesters, based on something
 Gillum has never said.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Rice and Corn
At Martha's Kitchen in Tampa

Florida Cannawarriors The Mayor Needs Your Help Again

Help The Mayor here

Progressive Goals Mainstream Not Extreme

Recent takes on Mayor Andrew Gillum’s victory in Florida’s gubernatorial primary range from celebrations of a populist underdog to warnings of socialist ruin, but nearly all commentators seem to agree on one point: It represents a shift toward ideological extremism in the Democratic Party.
In framing his platform as “extreme,” however, media commentators wrongly suggest his policies appeal only to the fringe. In fact, national polls show broad support for progressive policies like those championed by Gillum. more