Thursday, November 8, 2018

Florida Wants A Recount

As the United States Senate race in Florida headed to a recount, the governor’s race there on Wednesday morning also looked likely to go to a recount of its own even though Democrat Andrew Gillum, gave a concession speech on Tuesday. here

This Is How They Do It Florida

How do counties full of nothing beat out Florida Urban Centers? Easy.....The tally for voter turnout reached about 62% statewide as of Wednesday afternoon, far surpassing the 51% of registered voters who cast ballots in the 2014 general election.
Although the turnout overall was higher, South Florida counties (notably blue) lagged compared to northern counties (clearly red). Turnout in Miami-Dade hit 56.89% and Broward reported 57.28% Wednesday. However, rural counties like Jefferson, Franklin and Baker topped 70% for turnout. here
Counties full of nothing rule! Did you vote, wish you had now?

Florida Glitch in the Matrix

MSNBC briefly put a graphic onscreen that showed “vote counts” for the Florida gubernatorial race — you know, the one being held tomorrow. here

Ybor Space

Reservoir Bar

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Rice and Beans
At Taco Bus, Downtown

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Message from the president of the the DPCTB

Last night hurt. I can't lie...
But TOGETHER we came closer than we have in decades.Also, Hillsborough county picked up some AMAZING wins. We flipped the County Commission back blue. Four of our endorsed candidates won their races and we took back one of the houses of congress. Nelson's race is headed for a recount. Women of color, Religious minority candidates and LGBTA candidates all had huge wines last night. Also, Amendment 4 passed last night. Regardless of how hard it will be to implement it, it was a huge win! 
I know it's hard to see the silver lining when we poured our hearts into so many races. But we won so many victories, together. 
Nothing about taking back our country is going to be easy. No blue wave is going to sweep away our problems. 
When we work together, we win. When we organize, we win. When we GOTV, we win! 
The DPCTB did an amazing job in this election. And since our inception, we have been a force to be reckoned with. We have helped change the direction of this county and we have absolutely changed the narrative. We've built new relationships and secured new allies. 
Thank you to all of our members! 
Ya'll continue to amaze me. However, we still need more help! We need more people committed to the heavy lifting! We need more voices, we need more organization, we need more ideas, we need more energy and we need more people showing up. 
Please message me for ways to get more involved. You won't regret it I promise. 
Today we lick our wounds but tomorrow we pick up our swords, we revamp our game-plan and we fight onwards! Jessica Vaughn

Aida's Letter to Mayor Andrew

Dear Mayor Andrew
I am honored and proud to have worked for an honorable man such as yourself.
You ran a campaign with integrity and honor, a campaign that filled our hearts with hope for a better future for us ALL!!
Your vision of where Florida ought to be, was inclusive of all its citizens. I am sorry we could not win this for you, for us all.
Keep fighting the good fight! today we reflect and tomorrow we get back on our feet.
Thanks everyone on the texts and calls, I need a little space right now.
Much love

Post Election Breakfast

Ultimate omelette, hash browns, pancakes & buttery rye toast (not shown).
Denny's....there when you need 'em