Thursday, June 14, 2007

Support Alan Crotzer
“It’s even more beautiful than I remember”
Bartlett Park neighborhood volunteer Norm Bungard has started a fundraising effort to assist former resident Alan Crotzer. The state House has supported compensation for Crotzer but this was stopped in the state Senate. He is trying to rebuild his life and support his

Nawal Zoghbi - AL Layaly

Welcome To Tampa, Expect Delays

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Progressive Majority
Why a Conservative America is a Myth
This report by the Campaign for America’s Future and Media Matters for America shows that in study after study, solid majorities of Americans take progressive stands on a full spectrum of issues, from bread-and-butter economics to the so-called “values” issues where conservatives claim
Howard Dean
Florida Has Essentially Converted Their Primary To A Straw Poll
In an exchange with Victory NH's Primary Defenders, DNC Chairman, Howard Dean defended the Democratic National Committee's Primary Calendar while conceding that while New Hampshire's First in the Nation Primary is still critical to the presidential race, Florida's unilateral decision to move their primary up to January 29th, has "essentially converted their Primary to a straw poll." the
Who Is Your Ideal Candidate For President
Stogie's Results: Theoretical Ideal Candidate
1. Dennis Kucinich (88%) - 2. Barack Obama (86%) - 3. Alan Augustson (86%)
4. Wesley Clark (76%) -
5. Joseph Biden (75%) - 6. Hillary Clinton (72%)
7. Al Gore (70%) - 8. John Edwards (70%) - 9. Christopher Dodd (69%)
10. Mike Gravel (65%) - 11. Bill Richardson (64%) - 12. Kent McManigal (56%)
13. Ron Paul (52%) - 14. Elaine Brown (45%) - 15. Mike Huckabee (29%)
16. Rudolph Giuliani (26%) - 17. John McCain (25%) - 18. Chuck Hagel (24%)
19. Tommy Thompson (20%) - 20. Mitt Romney (18%) - 21. Sam Brownback (17%)
22. Tom Tancredo (15%) - 23. Fred Thompson (14%) - 24. Newt Gingrich (14%)
25. Duncan Hunter (10%) -
26. Jim Gilmore (7%)
Get Your

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

American Family Shocked By Rome's Rage
We Come From A Place Where You Just Don't See This Kind Of Street Protest
For the Cooper family, from Knoxville, Tennessee, visiting Rome was supposed to be the highlight to their two-week vacation in Europe. Instead, they arrived on Saturday to find some of the Eternal City's most famous streets and piazzas packed with tens of thousands of anti-war demonstrators protesting against a visit by President George W. Bush on his way home from a G8 summit.......more
"It's tough to take when you see people being so disrespectful of our president,"......Sarah Cooper

ONE Vote '08

Gigi Wacked By Louisiana Deputies
One owner said her family was forced at gunpoint to leave its dog behind. Another owner said residents became frantic when, they said, they overheard one deputy claim that "once everybody's gone, we're going to have target practice tonight." They claim in court papers that deputies were under " authorization...of their superiors and employers.......more
Gigi, was among the dogs allegedly killed by authorities after their owners were forcibly evacuated during Hurricane Katrina. A lawsuit says an animal rescue worker found Gigi shot in the head.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Fathers Day for Peace

David Arquette

Condi 2008
A Tourist From Texas On The Platt Street Bridge
One Vote '08 Campaign

DNC Chairman Howard Dean and the head of the DNC's Faith in Action initiative, Rev. Leah Daughtry, issued the following statement praising the announcement of the One Vote '08 Campaign, which will use the 2008 Presidential election to bring national attention to the issue of global
Powered By American Lives
A Hummer Wasn't Big Enough For This Guy

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lieberman Wants To Attack Iran
Sen. Joseph Lieberman said Sunday the United States should consider a military strike against Iran because of Tehran's involvement in
Bayonet Point - June 8, 2007