Friday, June 29, 2007

The CIA, The Mob, And Castro
In 1960, Santo Trafficante's high life in Cuba had come crashing down, thanks to Fidel Castro.
Once a major player in the Havana gambling paradise, Trafficante had seen his casinos taken away by the Communist leader.......more
"People think this guy's a hero, some kind of Robin Hood, but he's just a crook like the rest of us,"...... Santo Trafficante
Opens In Tampa Bay
Africa Still Loves America
A new report charting global attitudes shows America's image sagging around the globe — but not in Africa, where the Stars and Stripes still symbolize strength and wealth. In fact, America is more popular in several African nations than even in America. Culturally, many Africans feel closer to the United States, where they perceive Africans and their influences have been more closely integrated than in

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Stogie Grades The Debate
Best Dressed: Mike Gravel
Dennis Kucinich A+ - Hillary Clinton A - Chris Dodd B+ - Mike Gravel B - Joe Biden B-
Barack Obama C+ - John Edwards C - Bill Richardson C-
I Also Hate Nazis
I would rather live in Bartlett Park, with its crime, drugs, and litter, than spend one moment more having Nazi supremacists sympathize with me. I know I have more choices than that, but the past week has given me the perspective that where I sit ain’t so bad, after all.......more
Howard Dean
Race Is About Values
It won’t be complex and detailed positions on the issues that win back the White House for Democrats in 2008, voters will make up their minds based on the values of the candidates for president. Nobody has made up his or her mind to support a candidate because of a 26-page health care plan, I don’t even remember all the details of my own plan.”

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

US Naval Observatory
A little blurry on Google Earth, While the rest of DC is clear.
Ron Paul
How a Fringe Politician Took Over the Web
During the 2004 election, a web-savvy campaign staff helped turn Howard Dean's anti-war candidacy into the first online political phenomenon. But the Ron Paul frenzy seems to have sprung from the internet itself. Paul's libertarian message – he is against big government, the war, and pretty much anything that costs taxpayers money – has attracted a group of anti-establishment, tech-savvy supporters who have taken everyone by surprise........more
Pic Taken In Clearwater June 27, 2007
Tampa - June 26, 2007

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

St. Petersburg, Florida
Free Speech Zones
Is it a violation of free speech or just a crowd control measure? For a second day, St. Petersburg city attorneys took up an ordinance limiting where people can protest at this weekend's St. Pete Pride event......more
Brian, You Should Try Xeriscape
A Florida-friendly yard doesn’t merely offer beautiful landscapes — it also becomes an asset to the environment, protecting natural resources and preserving Florida’s unique beauty......more
Meet Lee Nelson
Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections
Hillsborough voters deserve a reponsive and attentive Supervisor of Elections who is dedicated to bringing Accuracy, Honesty and Transparency to the voting
DFA Approved

Ann Coulter Attacks John Edwards

"if I'm going to say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot."

A Letter From Paul Newman
More than the films, more than the awards - finding out that I was on Nixon's Enemies List meant that I was doing something right. I was proud to stand with Democrats against an imperial president back then. And I am proud now to stand with a new generation of Democrats against a president who poses what I believe to be the biggest internal threat to American democracy in my

Monday, June 25, 2007

Health Care Rally w/Michael Moore in Denver

Widening I-75 To 10 Lanes
No Rail Here
State transportation planners have found possible "pathways" for a proposed north-south highway to serve as an alternative for the increasingly congested Interstate 75. The DOT is in the early phases of this New Corridors Study, which is examining possible transportation alternatives between Hernando and Charlotte counties.......more
"We really don't want a new corridor to create new development in those areas," .....Manatee County Commissioner Joe McClash