Friday, July 20, 2007

Blind Loyalty Latest US War Casualty
Pemberton, New Jersey

If George Bush loses towns like Pemberton, then he has surely lost America. And it seems he is losing this piece of small-town America, population 29,000........more
"Me and my husband try not to be political people — we try to take authority from God, I think he has been a good president. But I do think in some ways, instead of letting God totally rule his decisions (Bush) has let some of the other people higher up do that."........Virginia Green

Michael Moore Goes Head to Head With Stephen Colbert

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Liberals Vow to Block Continued Iraq Funding
Seventy House members, nearly all liberal Democrats, vowed today that they would not support any more funding for Iraq military operations unless tied to a complete withdrawal of combat troops. This is a big development. Earlier this year, liberals grudgingly voted for Iraq funding bills because they didn't want to give Nancy Pelosi a defeat. Now it seems that their patience has run out........more
James Kotecki
Forget New Hampshire. The first real presidential primary is on the Internet

So it was irritating to him to see presidential candidates making poor use of the Web — posting speeches and canned performances rather than more personal communications. They weren't using the medium the way young people use it — talking directly to the camera in a very casual and laid-back way.......more
"Probably the world's foremost expert on YouTube videos posted by presidential candidates."
Visit His
The Narrow Band Of Democratic Elites
Howard Dean
The Washington Post is under the impression that Governor Dean's campaign failed. But what's left unsaid is the fact that the heart of Governor Dean's campaign -- which was to end the war in Iraq and the 50 State Strategy -- is now the core platform within the Democratic Party. Due primarily to the work of Deaniacs like us who have blogged, contributed money, knocked on doors, made phone calls and attended campaign trainings like the one in Orange County, California this weekend -- the Governor and Democracy for America have changed the face of American politics. And this is a progressive political movement we can all be proud of.......more
Worst American President

However he was wrong, and no one can ignore it any longer. Eighteen months from the end of his mandate, those closest to him say that Bush is concerned with the mark on history he will leave. Confronting chaos, he has already been judged by part of the American press: he's the worst President the United States has ever had.....more

"George W. Bush has succeeded in simultaneously driving Iraq and his own country into a dead end."

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Take Action To Stop An Execution
With no physical evidence — the murder weapon was never found — prosecutors relied heavily on the testimony of nine eyewitnesses who took the stand against Mr. Davis. But since his trial, seven of the nine have recanted or changed their testimony, saying they were harassed and pressed by investigators to lie under oath. Other witnesses have come forward identifying a different man as the shooter.more
Send A Letter To The Georgia State Board Of Pardons & Paroles Urging
Impeach Now
Or Face the End of Constitutional Democracy
Unless Congress immediately impeaches Bush and Cheney, a year from now the US could be a dictatorial police state at war with Iran.Bush has put in place all the necessary measures for dictatorship in the form of "executive orders" that are triggered whenever Bush declares a national emergency. Recent statements by Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff, former Republican senator Rick Santorum and others suggest that Americans might expect a series of staged, or false flag, "terrorist" events in the near future........more
Tampa Ranked 16th In Rude Drivers

Islamic Creationist
And A Book Sent Round The World
It is the voice of Adnan Oktar of Turkey, who, under the name Harun Yahya, has produced numerous books, videos and DVDs on science and faith, in particular what he calls the “deceit” inherent in the theory of evolution. One of his books, “Atlas of Creation,” is turning up, unsolicited, in mailboxes of scientists around the country and members of

Monday, July 16, 2007

Rep. Keith Ellison's Views
On Cheney, Libby, 9/11
Freshman Congressman Keith Ellison was among friends Sunday -- in this case, a gathering of atheists -- so his support for a fistful of hot-button opinions, including the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney, brought enthusiastic nods of approval and standing ovations.......more
After Duke's Spin
St. Pete - July 16, 2007
Project No. 45403
Anybody Need A Seawall, Only $200
Project 45403 is a 480-foot-wide slope of concrete rubble along the Palm River that county crews completed on March 9. For motorists who see it while driving south on the Maydell Drive bridge, the wall stands as a jagged symbol of how one of the homeowners, a 67-year-old widow named Edna Walters, used connections to get the government to pay for a project of questionable public value.......

"I agree with his politics, I'm determined to stop the county from giving itself away to the people who don't work for it.".......Roy Davis

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ralph Nader
"No other country comes close to providing voters with such a small number of choices and making third party candidates hurdle an almost insuperable number of obstacles just to get on the ballot,"