Friday, August 3, 2007

Yearly Kos '07: Cenk Uygur, Recovering Republican

you might be a right winger if...... value your freedom of speech, but think that anyone else who disagrees with you should keep their mouths shut.

Howard Dean @ Yearly Kos

Edwards Turns Left, and Finds Howard Dean
If Edwards can't be Obama, he might just try to be Dean - but maybe without all the shouting. Dean, you'll recall, also used an "us vs. them" style. On the stump he would chant, "You have the power!" His fans ate it up; it carried him to the top of the polls; and it was ultimately his
Dottie And Breezeway Are Getting Evicted
Two Dogs That Have Called A Florida City Water Plant Home For Three Years
They showed up after one of the 2004 hurricanes: two female dogs tied to a tree at the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority's Florida City plant. Workers at the 69-year-old plant did what they've done for other dogs and cats dumped over the years on the isolated property: cleaned them up, got them vet care, ''adopted'' and named them.......more

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Florida Has 304 Structurally Deficient Bridges
Five Of Them Are In Tampa Bay
According to the latest information from the Department of Transportation, 304 of the 11,561 bridges in Florida are considered "structurally deficient." That’s the same designation as the collapsed bridge in
Dean Woos Faith Voters
Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean, who once criticized the GOP as a “white Christian party” and also said “my religion doesn’t inform my public policy,” is building a sophisticated infrastructure to woo so-called values voters. Dean has had the same revelation as many other Democrats since their demoralizing loss in the 2004 election: There are more people who vote because of their faith and values than Democrats realized, and Republicans have won a disproportionately large share of them......more
you might be a right winger if....
...You're pro-life, pro-death penalty, and pro-war, as long as it doesn't effect you personally.
Interview With The Legendary Gore Vidal
Part 4: US Media And Society
We're not the United States of Amnesia — we're the United States of Alzheimer'
What Stogie Had For Lunch
Moro and Yuca
$5.95 At.......Nayda's 50th St. And Palm River Road Tampa
Forget Corporate - Eat Local

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Kathy Castor Wants You To Call Her
Phone: 202-225-3376
The president is using fear to pressure Congress to grant him sweeping new powers to spy on Americans. And Congress is on the verge of giving in to his scare tactics. Call Rep. Castor today and tell her to oppose any efforts to give the president additional authority to wiretap Americans without a warrant.

Rudy The Urban Legend
On Hillsborough Ave
Interview With The Legendary Gore Vidal
Part 3: Liberty
The people who wrote the Constitution hated democracy. We've always been an oligarchy of the well-to-do and are becoming even more so now. What freedoms we had have now been eliminated -- Magna Carta guaranteed us due process of law, the only good thing England left
Party With The Tampa Bay O-Train
Ba-Rock For Change!
Local musicians (Last Day Alive, Shane Ali, Falter Boy, Mind Static, Plush, & Danger Flight) will be rockin the Crowbar in Ybor City in support of Senator Obama.

Sunday - Aug 05, 2007 - 7PM
1812 N.17th St
Ybor City
What Stogie Had For Lunch
$4.95 At.......
Merino's Deli 6428 North Florida Ave Tampa
Forget Corporate - Eat Local