Monday, July 5, 2010

Florida Republicans Drowning In A Sewer of Sleaze

Meet David Rivera
It can hardly come as a surprise to anyone who's been paying attention that Florida's Republican establishment is rotten to its core... top to bottom.
Miami Republicans are calling upon their party chairman and candidate for Congress, David Rivera, to step down over reports he's been lying to local media

Gulf Of Mexico Oil Fields

Supertramp. Nirvana. Mica?

One of the very few things capable of conjuring humor amid the spewing disaster-headlines surrounding the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe has been the revelation of the wild, seemingly lawless frontier that exists deep beneath the ocean’s

“I voted to drill in the Everglades in the 1970s … and I’d do it again.”....Florida Republican Congressman John Mica

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele

"Keep in mind again, federal candidates, this was a war of Obama's choosing. This is not something the United States had actively prosecuted or wanted to engage in."......Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele
Time-Traveling Obama

Sand Dumped Over Oil On Louisiana Beaches

The sand covering most of the beach was of a much different consistency from the beach closer to the water (very gritty and filled with broken shells). There were lots of piles of sand dumped on the beach as well as the sand covering everything else. After shooting this video, two local deputies, who came to escort us off the beach, confirmed that BP had been trucking in sand to the beach and smoothing it over.

PBR Pub Bike Ride

Is a monthly ride hitting PBR bars along the way. Highlighter Pink koozies for everyone 21+ and $1 PBR’s. It’s a casual ride through Ybor City, Downtown and South Tampa. All bikes are welcome. This event will be on the last Saturday of every month. Meet at New World Brewery at 7:30pm. The next Pub Bike Ride Tampa is on July 31st 2010.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


A gathering of information for like-minded people in Florida.

Gulf Drinking Water Contaminated by Dispersants

Melissa McGinnis from Greenopolis TV sits with Cyndie Lepori in Orange Beach, Alabama and learns that the locals have already stopped drinking tap water and are extremely worried about the fresh water supply.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Re/Creating Tampa

2010 Florida Netroots Awards
Multiple Nominee

Vast Conspiracy Of Radical, Progressive Socialists

Just got a heads-up from one of my sources inside the St. Petersburg Times, which is said to be working on an in-depth report about how “Radical Progressives” around Tampa Bay are conspiring to discredit Michael

Hands Across a Sham

I know, I know. I can hear it as I type these words: how dare I call last Saturday’s event a sham. Those who attended will tell you it was a beautiful demonstration of … well, something. I’m not sure what. I know that everyone there seemed pretty passionate about stopping drilling off Florida’s

The Spencerian: Why Hard Candy is Wrong

Nicholas Ruiz III For Congress

Florida District 24

FEMA Plans to Evacuate Gulf Residents to California

"A well-placed source in California told WMR that the California Emergency Management Agency (CEMA) has been briefed by its counterpart agencies in the Gulf coast states that there are plans to conduct a mass evacuation of millions of Gulf coast residents due to the catastrophic environmental and public health effects of the BP oil

Oil Raining On Tampa

Tampa Access To The Courtney Campbell Causeway

Karla Price of the city of Tampa reports that the trail connecting Cypress Street with the Courtney Campbell Causeway and then Skyway Park is officially

The Eyesore Near Bayshore

Help Decide What To Call Derek Jeter's House.

Jose Menendez Of Tampa

Most bicyclists talk about making bicycling more popular and getting people on bikes.
Jose Menendez doesn't just talk. He does. Jose's a