Friday, March 15, 2013

The Beer Flows Left And Right

The difference between a Conservative and a Liberal 
And the way they drink their beers.  The Conservative likes cans or bottles, it's all my you can't have any. ie When a group of diehard conservatives gathers at Keegan's on Thursdays, they pay their own tabs. And they drink Guinness or an expensive import. The Liberal likes pitchers, so he can share and when its time to buy another one everyone can chip in. ie When a group of diehard liberals gathers on Wednesday nights at the 331 Club, they all throw money into a kitty and share pitchers of beer.
I must say after drinking many beers with my Right and Left Wing friends over the years that theory is  probably true.

Hugo's Spanish Restaurant

What Stogie Had For Lunch
With Yellow Rice and Platanos
$8.49 at Hugo's Spanish Restaurant, 31 S Howard Ave in Tampa
This place has been on S. Howard for along time. I remember coming here back in the 80's when i lived on Davis Islands. I am sorry i stayed away so long. The food  is delicious and the price and portions are just right.

Marco Rubio: Liberal Freeloaders

Hey Rubio I Got Your Liberal Freeloader Right Here.
Pic thanks to A Ghost in El Salvador

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Chris
He is from Chicago, he has only been homeless for a short time.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Culture Of Corruption In Florida

Florida Lieutenant Governor Jennifer Carroll
The legislature is working to pass "ethics reform" that will do little to stop the culture of corruption that's consuming Florida. Now more than ever, we need real ethics reform that will stop the worst abuses of the public trust that pervade our government.
Sign our petition
To the Florida Legislature demanding real ethics reform.

The March for Rights, Respect, and Fair Food reaches Tampa!

The march completed its northward leg yesterday by reaching the city of Tampa, where the marchers were received from start to finish like conquering heroes, a reception that included a massive -- and remarkably creative -- candlelight vigil at a Publix store in Temple Terrace.
"Don't let making a profit stand in the way of doing the right thing.".....George Jenkins
Do The Right Thing Publix

Celebrate Sunshine Week

As we celebrate Sunshine Week, I encourage readers to get involved in their local communities and promote the importance of open government and access to information. Anyone can play an active role in government and help keep public officials honest, make government more efficient and act as a check against waste, fraud and abuse of power.
Freedom of information isn't just an issue for the press; it's a cornerstone of our democracy. Join us and help make a difference in the battle against unnecessary government secrecy and waste.
You can find out more here

Stogie's Hate Mail

I don't usually post my hate mail but i thought i would share this one with everyone. I got a message in my inbox the other day that suggest i should get a Chemical castration. He/She said that me and all of my Commie Socialist loving friends should get one so as not to make any more of our kind. I didn't know what that was, so i looked it up. According to Wikipedia:
Chemical castration is the administration of medication designed to reduce libido and sexual activity. Unlike surgical castration, where the testicles or ovaries are removed through an incision in the body,[1] chemical castration does not actually castrate the person, nor is it a form of sterilization.
The key words here is "nor is it a form of sterilization". One would think if you were going to take the time to write something like this to someone you would find out what it is frirst.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

St. Pete Police Threatened By Pair Of Scissors

The mother of 43-year-old Arthur Dixon Jr. called St. Petersburg police on Sunday evening because he doused himself with gasoline and threatened to take his own life. At around 7:30 p.m., the suicidal man allegedly ran at Officers Devin Jones and Curtis Wright with scissors while they were stationed at the back of the house. Both officers opened fire, hitting Dixon in the torso multiple times. He was transported to Bayfront Medical Center and pronounced dead at around 10 p.m.
“The police assured me that they weren’t going to hurt him, that they were concerned for his safety. He has no weapons, he’s never hurt anyone ever. So, they forced him out the back of the house and they shot him three times. I want to know why they shot him, he had no weapons and he’s drunk. He has a traumatic brain injury, he’s blind in one eye, can’t see well out of the other. Why did they shoot him?”.......Lydia Andrews, Dixon’s mother.
“Scissors are a deadly weapon, they can cause great harm. They can be just as dangerous as a knife.”.......St. Petersburg police spokesperson Mike Puetz
Poor Guy!

Corporate Welfare In Florida

Stop Rick Scott's Massive Corporate Giveaway
Governor Rick Scott has spent the past two years making devastating cuts to critical services for middle class families. Now he plans to go even further by pushing through a bill this legislative session that will give big corporations another $141 million in tax breaks.
Please sign the petition from Daily Kos and our partners at Florida Watch Action as we demand that the Florida legislature reject this $141 million corporate tax break. Florida Watch Action will deliver the signatures to Florida legislators.

You Can Beat City Hall

Great Job Dana Shores
When Dana Shores residents wanted to keep 23 acres separating their neighborhood from Tampa International Airport's runways as a scenic reserve, they did things by the book: They attended meetings and spoke to airport officials.

Will Weatherford: What A Funny Guy

"You're just funny, y'know, the story. It's funny. You're a funny guy." Henry Hill
I read with great amusement this morning
Will Weatherford piece in The Tampa Bay Times. He is trying to explain why he and his Republican cohorts in Tallahassee voted against Medicaid expansion in Florida. He states that he is not confident in the feds given the track record of the federal government, which hasn't balanced a budget in years.
(I have smoked a lot of weed in my life but my memory is still sharp) if i remember correctly bill Clinton not only left a balanced budget but a surplus. if it wasn't for the Republicans reckless spending ( Wars on credit, Tax breaks for the rich and corporations) we would not be in the mess we are in. Then he mentions future funding for our schools, public safety, and protection of our beaches and springs. When the hell did his party ever care about teachers or the environment. He keeps trying to dig himself out of the hole he is in and it is not working. Wesley Chapel is just up the road, i will make it my goal to send this man home after his term is up.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act, SB 1250

The Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act now in the Senate’s Health Policy Committee.
Florida residents are urged to contact committee members and tell them the importance of passing this legislation. A recent poll found 70% of Florida voters, including 56% of Republicans, support medical marijuana legislation in the Sunshine State.
More info here
Senator Aaron Bean (R)
Senator Eleanor Sobel (D)
Senator Jeff Brandes (R)
Senator Oscar Braynon,II(D)
Senator Anitere Flores (R)
Senator Bill Galvano (R)
Senator Rene Garcia (R)
Senator Denise Grimsley(R)
Senator Arthenia Joyner(D)

Community Conversations

Saw this on the side of a Hartline bus in Tampa.
Community Conversations is a show that explores key topics that matter in our community. "Edu-taining" conversations revolve around the physical, mental, educational, and economic health of our community.
On-Air-Schedule: Saturdays 2pm-4pm
Stations : WHNZ AM 1250
more info

Florida Republican Rejects Medicaid Expansion

A Florida Senate committee voted Monday against Medicaid expansion, joining the House in rejecting Gov. Rick Scott's proposal for a three-year trial covered entirely by federal funding. The Senate select committee on the Affordable Care Act voted along party lines, 7-4. Democrats said they were willing to explore alternatives but unsuccessfully pleaded with colleagues to embrace expansion as a backup.
Yet they are very good at doing this. Governor Rick Scott has spent the past two years slashing services for the middle class, such as education cuts that led to massive teacher layoffs, while dishing out millions of dollars to major corporations. Now he plans to go even further by pushing through a bill this legislative session that will give big corporations another $141 million in tax breaks.
Remember these people come election time.
Will Weatherford of Land o' Lakes,Joe Negron of Stuart, Jeff Brandes of St. Petersburg, Richard Corcoran, of Trinity,Nancy C. Detert of Sarasota,
Bill Galvano of Hillsborough County, Denise Grimsley Polk County,
Jack Latvala of Pinellas County.
Come on Florida let's not let what happened in 2010 happen again, that is how these people get elected. 
Get Involved in 2014. Let's turn Florida Blue.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Palomilla Steak
With Moro and Yuca
$10.95 At Reo at the Grayhound bus station in Tampa.
So Good!