Saturday, June 8, 2013

Green Party of Tampa

Our planning meetings are on the second Wednesday of every month.
This month’s meeting is on Wednesday, June 12, 2013 at 7:00pm at
Sacred Grounds Coffee House in Tampa. There has never been a better time to come to a planning meeting and introduce yourself to your fellow Greens!  
We’ll see you there!

The Ever-Evolving GOP Arsenal

How Republicans Use Pot Law Enforcement To Disenfranchise African-Americans 
 There are many tactics in the ever-evolving Republican Party arsenal for keeping African-Americans and other minorities from voting in a post Jim Crow era. One of the least understood and most effective way of taking blacks off the voting rolls, especially in the South, has been to prevent felons from voting and then arresting every black man in site on marijuana charges.

I am Bradley Manning

Visit them here

"The 'Storms' Behind Us Celebration

Andrea and Ronda!
Equality Florida and other rights groups are inviting people to the event getting called "Join Commissioner Beckner -- Pride is Back in Hillsborough"  a congratulatory party for local hero Commissioner Kevin Beckner, who helped make it happen. The event is from 4-6 p.m. Sunday at Hamburger Mary's Bar & Grille, 1600 E 7th Ave in Ybor City.

Friday, June 7, 2013

A Tampa Bay Treasure: Hong Kong Willie

Watch 112: Hong Kong Willie on PBS. See more from WEDU Arts Plus.

A Tampa Bay arts & artifacts business transforms trash
and found objects.

Sen. Graham: FBI Holding Back On 9/11 Probe

Former Sen. Bob Graham has accused the FBI in court papers of having impeded a joint congressional inquiry into 9/11 by withholding information about a Florida connection to the al-Qaeda attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people.The information includes a recently declassified FBI report that ties a Saudi family who once lived in Sarasota "to individuals associated with the terrorist attacks on 9/1 1/2001.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Ronda This One Is For You

Kevin Beckner Rips Hillsborough County's Anti-Gay Pride Law. Before Board Repeals It.
Originally pushed through by hatemonger Ronda Storms in 2005. Back then, only Kathy Castor voted against it. She's now a beloved US Congresswoman, Ms. Srorms is home somewhere in Valrico. Celebrate! A vestige of Ronda's time eliminated with Drinking Liberally tonight 7pm, at Square 1 Burgers in Brandon

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Republican Brand

They eat their own
Cathie Adams, president of the Texas Eagle Forum (a religious right group), and former chairwoman of the Texas Republican party, said in a presentation at a Tea Party meeting that GOP anti-tax activist Grover Norquist is a secret Muslim because, among other things, he sports a beard.
Reaching out to African-Americans
Republican Party doesn’t want black people to vote,” per Texas Tea Party.
Reaching out to young people
A bill filed in the North Carolina General Assembly this week would remove the state income tax deduction for dependents who register at an address other than their parents.  In other words, parents of college kids would be punished with a new tax if their kids registered to vote at school – thus pressuring the kids not to register to vote.
Reaching out to women
•Education troubles began when mothers started working.
•"Liberalized policies" encourage military sexual assault.
•"It's not sexist" for men to be dominant over women, "it's science.
•Hormones found in nature" drive men to sexual assault.
All of it came out of the mouths of prominent Republicans. In the last week.
Reaching out to hispanics
Coulter: America has too many Latino, Mexican immigrants.
Pic: ZZ Top a Kick-ass American rock band from Houston, Texas. They are not Muslim.

The Citrus Taliban: Pahokee Edition

This June, Lake Okeechobee Resort in Florida will be hosting a Summer Solstice festival. The Lake Okeechobee Summer Solstice Festival will feature workshops on Celtic Reconstructionism, drumming, belly dancing, gardening, and runes, with musical performances by Lord Alexian, Hecate’s Wheel, and others. It is the first such festival in Pahokee, Florida, and if the local Christians have their way, it will be the last.

Florida's Michele Bachmann

Allen West Talks Possible Obama Impeachment
What is Alen West up to these days besides trying to impeach Obama?
has converted his campaign committee to a federal PAC and registered it as Deep Strike PAC. Deep Strike PAC will support or oppose more than one federal candidate and is affiliated with the Allen West Guardian Fund, his leadership PAC. The treasurer is Gregory Wilder in Deland,
 He might run for president in
And still stoking conservative

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tea Party In Tampa

 Obama Is Targeting Whites And Christians
According to John Junstrom of Tampa who along with his crazy comrades hung out at IRS office in Tampa. Decked in red, white and blue and waving American flags, some in the crowd of about 120 people on Columbus Drive wore shirts declaring themselves patriots, proud to be Americans.
Wasn't the head of the IRS at the time this was going on appointed by President Bush?

Florida's Bill Nelson - Let The Poor Starve

 28 Senate Democrats voted with the Republicans
Our own Bill Nelson was one of them.
Kirsten Gillibrand a Dem. from NY proposed to restore the $4 billion that the current farm bill--designed by Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Thad Cochran (R-MS)--cuts from SNAP (Supplemental Food Assistance, known as food stamps and to offset this restored funding with a limitation on crop insurance reimbursements. Our current crop insurance subsidies benefit large farms at the expense of smaller ones and are one of the many glaring manifestations of corporate welfare that Congress never fixes.  Gillibrand's amendment would, in essence, cut corporate welfare spending to restore social welfare spending.......more
Click to Take Action
Nelson will be a speaker at the Democratic Party's Jefferson-Jackson Dinner. This is the guy the FDP wants to run for governor? Check out Nan Rich. A real democrat.

Tampa protests Florida Senator Marco Rubio

 Protesters gathered in front of Senator Marco Rubio’s Tampa office to criticize the Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill currently being debated in the U.S. Senate and to demand, “Legalization for all!”
Poor guy he is getting it from all directions.