Saturday, June 15, 2013

Tea Party Senators Kick Off Ralph Reed's God Fest

Marco Rubio revisited his campaign theme of American exceptionalism. He used a biblical passage from Matthew chapter 5 to encourage activists to keep bringing their faith into their political activism, especially, he said, at a time when people are told they should silence their faith. Rand Paul of Kentucky told activists that there is a worldwide “war on Christianity” that is being waged not only by “liberal elites” but also by American taxpayers through the country’s financial support of countries that persecute Christians. “American taxpayer dollars are being used to enable a war on Christianity in the Middle East.”
Visit my post Republicans And Jesus.

Support Democracy - One Pint At A Time

Drinking Liberally Brandon
Every Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm
Square 1 Burgers, 2042 Badlands Dr in Brandon

Big-Box Opponents Demand Written Answers

Certified letters were sent to all seven Hillsborough County Commissioners by representatives of CAN-DO, under whose auspices residents are fighting a proposed big-box retail and apartment complex development off Bloomingdale Avenue.

Allen West Blames Progressive Socialist Policies

Former Rep. Allen West and Tea Party favorite who once said President Obama wants Americans to be his slaves, invoked D.C. in his speech at today's Faith and Freedom Coalition conference to make an offensive point about progressive social policies. When discussing President Obama's social policies, West, a Republican who represented Florida for one term, told the predominately white crowd, according to the National Journal:
Some of you maybe will leave this beautiful hotel where you're having this conference and go into some of the black neighborhoods here in Washington, D.C., and see the decimation of progressive socialist policies that have broken down the family unit in what used to be the strongest family community that this great country ever knew.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hispanic Politicians In Tampa Fight Back

"This is a blatant slap in the face to my constituents in District 62 and the Hispanic community," state Rep. Janet Cruz, D-Tampa, said at the news conference Tuesday.
Tampa City Council Chairman Charlie Miranda and Hillsborough County School Board member Susan Valdes were also present.
The bill, HB 235, would have allowed some children of undocumented immigrants who are not U.S. citizens to
get a Florida driver's license through President Barack Obama's "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" policy,
which was instituted last year. HB 235 passed unanimously in the state Senate and 115-2 in the House.
nore, And here, Sign Petition here

Let's Give The Panhandle To Georgia And Alabama

Did rejection of Medicaid expansion help House Republicans?
In the first referendum since House Republicans bypassed more than $50 billion in federal aid for health care, Mike Hill, a 55-year-old tea party Republican insurance agent, won 57.9 percent of the vote in a Northwest Florida district that has an economy dominated by hospitals as well as the military -- which is weathering a sequester deal rife with budget cuts forced by congressional Republicans. Hill’s Democratic opponent, labor-union leader Jeremy Lau, mustered 42.1 percent of the vote in a special election held after Rep. Clay Ford died in March. Lau, a 40-year-old aircraft mechanic for L-3 Com Vertex Aerospace, a military contractor at Pensacola Naval Station, had made Medicaid expansion his No. 1 issue.
Put an R at the end of your name and some folks will vote for you no matter what.

Taylor Chapman Of Fort Lauderdale

 Taylor Chapman  filmed and shared a video over the weekend of her screaming racist insults at Dunkin’ Donuts workers in Fort Lauderdale over a request for free food that was not immediately granted. The woman, identified by The Smoking Gun as 27-year-old Taylor Chapman, visited the eatery a night prior and demanded to have her meal price refunded when her cashier was slow to hand over a receipt. Another associate asked her to return the next morning and speak with a manager, which supposedly led to the confrontation seen on the video.
 “This shit’s about to go live, bitch!” Chapman screams at a female employee. “Right on Facebook, ’cause I already posted what your dumb ass did last night, so I hope you’re happy with your little fucking sand n—er self… I’m about to nuke your whole fucking planet from Mars. You think ya’ll are tough, big fat Arabs bombin’ the trade center? I’ll show you tough.”
She also called the employee “a complete cunt sand n—er whore,” and shouted: “I just want my bacon crispy and my people to be nice.” Chapman is even heard on the video wishing the footage gets “a million fucking hits,” which is likely a low estimate of the views it will get thanks to all the media attention since Monday.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Just Say No To Rays Stadium In Tampa

Corporate Welfare For MLB, Billionaire Owners and multi millionaire Players!
Leaders split on using downtown Tampa tax for Rays ballpark. Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn's staff caused a stir 18 months ago when they said the city might be able to generate $100 million for a new Tampa Bay Rays stadium from downtown property taxes. That could go a long way toward helping to pay for a potential $500 million or $600 million ballpark.
As i mention in my post on Feb. 8th, Remember what happened in Arlington, Texas.

2013 Florida Middle Class Champions

Thank Florida's Middle Class Champions

Who Is Running The Asylum?

Right-Wing Media Plead With Rubio To "Walk Away" From Senate Immigration Reform Bill
Ingraham: Rubio Will "Rue The Day That He Became The Gang Of Eight's Poodle" Unless He Walks Away From Immigration Reform.
Bill Kristol: Rubio Should Walk Away From Immigration Reform.
Michelle Malkin: "Why Doesn't Rubio Form A Gang Of One And Dare Washington" To Pass Stricter Immigration Security. Rubio Should "Put The Security Of Our Nation First" And Vote No On Immigration Reform.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Florida Right-Wing Blogger Running For Congress

Conservative blogger Jorge Bonilla from the right-wing Florida blog the Shark Tank announced that he is a Republican candidate for the U.S. Congress in Florida. He will be facing off with Congressman
Alan Grayson, in Florida’ 9th Congressional District.


What ever The Times is paying Sue Carlton it is not enough.
One day down the road, the silver-haired grandmas and grandpas of Hillsborough County may gather the children close to tell the tale of Ronda Storms and all she once wrought. How she had a heart of fire and brimstone and also the hearts of not a few like-minded voters. And how one day in 2005, in less than two minutes at a Hillsborough County Commission meeting, she used her powers to sway, or maybe in some cases to cow, the board into voting to send a message across the land.

The Worst Charity In America

Is right here In Holiday
 Every year, Kids Wish Network raises millions of dollars in donations in the name of dying children and their families. Every year, it spends less than 3 cents on the dollar helping kids.

Sign Posted for Bloomingdale Big-Box Meeting With Al Higginbotham

 Bloomingdale residents opposed to a big-box development in their community are making sure Bloomingdale Avenue residents know about the June 10 meeting with Hillsborough County Commissioner Al Higginbotham.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Dress Code In Tampa

Amana Food Market Busch Blvd  In Tampa

UPS Teamsters In Tampa Bay Organize

 Around the country, 250,000 Teamsters are voting on a proposed 5-year contract between the Teamsters and United Parcel Service. Teamster President Hoffa and the contract negotiators are also urging members to vote yes. They have sent out three different letters to the 250,000 members, full of skewed information promoting this tentative agreement. In Tampa, workers have been active in getting the word out. At the beginning of contract negotiations, part-time Teamsters started wearing shirts around the building which said, “UPS part-time poverty”In the UPS Tampa building there are part-timers who have waited more than ten years for a full-time job and there are plenty still waiting for the opportunity.