Friday, October 16, 2015

YBOR Time Lapse

WTF: Bethune-Cookman University Students And Alumni

Are asking University officials to stop plans to honor Florida Gov. Rick Scott with an award named for the school's founder. The Mary McLeod Bethune Leadership Award is the school's highest honor. When word of plans to present the award to Scott got out, a group of those critical of the idea started an online petition asking school officials put an end to those plans. here
"I was absolutely floored," B-CU graduate Jasmine Burney said. "The students, the alumni and the surrounding community are also in shock."

Mario Rubio Could Win The Billionaire Primary

Marco Rubio may not be posting the same support as Donald Trump or Ben Carson in the polls, but he appears to be pulling ahead of his Republican rivals among one crucial demographic: billionaire donors. here

Bernie Fan In Tampa

Westshore Mall

Rick Scott Keeps Pushing Legislators For Corporate Welfare

 Rick Scott continues telling business leaders to pressure lawmakers for more incentive money (Corporate Welfare) to help attract companies to Florida. here
Also check out: 

Florida's Corporate Welfare Not Working

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Protest @ Marco Rubio's Office In Tampa

And this suspicious character watching us!

Ybor City Septima Avenida

2015 People's Climate March In Tampa

Kennedy and Westshore

Thank you TPD for taking care of us!
And Ben and Jerry for the free Ice Cream!

Florida's Right Wing Infestation

Florida’s taxpayers deserve smarter investment of our money. We rank near the bottom in education funding. Our roads and bridges cry out for repairs and upgrades. Florida inmates have needlessly died because the state was trying to economize on prison health care. We invest the least in our state services, per capita, in the country at less than half the national average. Many wounds are self-inflicted because, instead of investing in people and communities, the Legislature spends resources on tax cuts to the wealthy and big corporations. here

Muslims Praying On Beach Causes PANIC In Florida

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Rebekah Pulley & Ronny Elliott Kick Off Localicious Week In St.Pete

10.16.2015 - 6pm
Hideaway Cafe in St. Pete

Florida GOP Do Your F*'n Job!

Florida environmental groups filed a suit asking the courts to force the Florida Legislature to return Amendment 1 funds to a conservation land buying fund. here
"We are asking for Florida’s courts to uphold the constitution as amended by the voters. The legislature needs to be held accountable for ignoring the will of the people." Serra Club Florida Conservation Chair Tom Larson.

Bargain Bob's Talents

In an interview with Dara Kam of the News Service of Florida, Tampa mayor Buckhorn was asked whether he’s considering running for governor. here
”I don’t know. I’m looking at it,” he said. Though he loves being Tampa’s mayor, he said he hasn’t stopped thinking his talents could step up to Tallahassee.
Lets look at some of the mayor's talents!

He was no fan of Amendment 2 here

He called the ACLU, the Council on America-Islamic Relations, and the NAACP fringe groups. Though this month he emphasized he wasn’t including the NAACP in those remarks. here
His lack of enthusiasm for Charlie Crist, the party’s 2014 gubernatorial nominee. here
His support of the MCM. here and here
His support of Pam Bondi. here
And  Patrick Murphy here
And lets not forget how cheaply he can be bought, which is how he earned the nickname "Bargain Bob" here at this blog. here
 He should fit right in Tallahassee's Pay-To-Play Culture!

The Super Rich Love Marco Rubio

While 1-per­cen­t­ers hop­ing for lower taxes have reas­on to like pretty much every Re­pub­lic­an run­ning for pres­id­ent, there’s one who should have Amer­ica’s wealth­i­est think­ing about what to do with their ex­tra thou­sands, or even mil­lions, of dol­lars: Marco Ru­bio. here

Florida People's Climate March 2015


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Pat Kemp Took The #FLfor15 Challenge

"To live on $17 a day. $38 dollars in groceries don't go far w/o staples at home." 
Pat Kemp