Saturday, January 23, 2016

After All The Shit! Floridians Still Want Alan Grayson

Grayson still holds a 7-point lead after months of negative press generated by the Patrick Murphy campaign throwing everything including the kitchen sink at him, while the former South Florida Republican has endured virtually no critical attention from the media. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Rib Eye Steak
With Black Beans and Rice
At Brocato sandwich shop in East Tampa
Visit them here

Florida Frakers: Ddisaster For The Everglades

Environmentalists are warning of a potential ecological disaster for the Everglades if state lawmakers approve a measure that would open the door to fracking in the sensitive wetlands. here

No Publix At USF

University of South Florida students, community members tell university administration: “Publix can’t set up shop on our campus until they respect farmworkers’ human rights!”

And they want you to help!  Here’s how…info

Free Screening: Coal Ash Stories - Tampa

1.29 - 7 PM
Seminole Heights Branch Library

Friday, January 22, 2016

Jessica Rose - "Maybe"

Pam Bondi: Florida GOP Pawn

Bondi is a party pawn intent on carrying out partisan agendas through selective 
legal enforcement  Her failed political causes have mounted:
Taking a gay marriage challenge to the U.S. Supreme Court, fighting tooth and nail against medical marijuana and Obamacare, and even punting on taking on the banks responsible for Florida's historic foreclosure crisis. Her quixotic battles have made her a national darling of conservatives. She scans as a smart, sane version of Sarah Palin. here

"She is the most substantive attorney general we have had in recent memory," says state Rep. Dana Young, a Republican lawmaker from Tampa
"You get the sense that rather than being the watchdog for the state, she is a mouthpiece for national political organizations," says state 
Rep. Jose Javier Rodriguez, a Democrat from Miami

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Best Cuban north of Havana
At The Crazy Cuban in Masaryktown

Florida What’s So Bad About Fracking?

Besides leaking methane under and above ground, which makes people sick (ask Los Angeles), wasting millions of gallons of valuable water (ask California), causing earthquakes (ask Oklahoma), contaminated waste water no one wants, explosions that kill people (ask lots of places), there is one more big effect of fracking: undisclosed toxic chemicals put into our earth. here
The current bills in our Florida legislation purport to “regulate” fracking, but as one representative stated, it is nothing more than a “welcome mat” to 
promote fracking. 

Ruby Ridge 2 In Florida


Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Peasants Of Florida INC.

With its low incomes and comparatively high cost of living, Florida ranks No. 5 on a list of states whose residents are most likely to live paycheck to paycheck.  
Florida trails only 
Hawaii, California, New York and Alaska 
on the list compiled by Go Banking Rates. here
Let's Get To Work

Susan Smith To Talk Policy With Alan Grayson

"I'm very excited that Congressman Alan Grayson invited me, Nancy Carola Jacobson and Brook Hines to attend the Progressive Congress Strategy Summit in Baltimore next month. It's a great opportunity to network with other progressives and talk policy. Thank you, Congressman!" Susan Smith

Brand GOP

NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll 
42 percent of registered voters said the primary race has made them feel less favorable about the GOP, compared to just 19 percent who said they feel 
more favorable. 

A third -Republican primary voters - 33 percent 
 say they view the party more favorably now, 
while 23 percent say they now have 
a worse image of the GOP. here

What Pilar Had For Lunch

Triple Espresso with Muffin
At The Coffee Barn in Brooksville
more, Eat Local!

Rick Scott Donors

Here’s a list of Scott’s donors who have given at least $100,000 in 2015:  Florida Chamber of Commerce - $540,000  Walt Disney World Parks and Resorts - $252,500  Jeffrey Vinik, Tampa Bay Lightning owner - $200,000  Associated Industries of Florida - $150,000  Floridians for a Stronger Democracy, a political committee with ties to AIF - $150,000  Voice of Florida Business, a PAC with ties to AIF – $130,000  Florida Jobs PAC, a PAC with ties to the Florida Chamber - $110,000  Consulate Health Care, Florida’s largest nursing home provider - $100,000  Lawrence DeGeorge, runs a charitible trust in Jupiter, FL - $100,000  Daniel Doyle Jr., Tampa Bay resident and CEO of DEX Imaging Inc - $100,000  Intervest Construction, homebuilder based in Daytona Beach - $100,000  August Busch III, former Anheuser-Busch CEO from St. Peters, Missouri - $100,000  U.S. Sugar Corporation - $100,000 here

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

TBX: One Of The 12 Worst Highway Projects In The Country

 A new report with a national scope calls the controversial Tampa Bay Express interstate expansion one of the 12 worst highway projects in the United States for expanding roads to little benefit.
These two are for it
Bob Buckhorn 
Wants to be our governor.
Lisa Montelione 
Is running for 
Florida State House District 63.
Remember them when you vote!