Sunday, May 15, 2016

Tampa Bay Fair Food

Tampa Bay Fair Food works in solidarity with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers' Campaign for Fair Food. Join them here

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Krystal Of Tampa

 I am voting in November, are you?

Florida Dems Can’t Live Without Alan Grayson

His far-left brand is out of place with Florida’s swingy politics. His penchant for controversy doesn’t go over well with many of Florida’s older Democratic voters. And the establishment wing of the Democratic Party wants him out, out, out — out of the Senate race, out of Congress and, preferably, out of Florida politics altogether.
But despite (or perhaps because of) all that, Rep. Alan Grayson is a figure in Florida politics — a perplexing, divisive figure, but a figure nonetheless, and one who may represent a younger, more liberal, anti-establishment wing of the Democratic Party that Florida Democrats can’t live without. here
People at the highest levels of Democratic politics are actively and publicly trying to undercut his Senate primary campaign against Rep. Patrick Murphy for the seat being vacated by Marco Rubio. 

Still Walking- Nakba68 In Ybor Today

In Commeration of al Nakba (the Catastrope) Palestine Solidarity Activists will re-inact the expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland when it was taken over by Zionist Forces in 1948. Palestine is still Occupied and there are now more than 7 million Palestinian refugees. Join them here

Florida GOP Kelli Stargel Of Polk County

Polk County Republican Sen. Kelli Stargel sponsored one of the most controversial bills passed by the Florida Legislature in the 2016 session. An abortion measure that prohibited state funding for routine care at abortion clinics, and placed requirements for physicians similar to a Texas law currently under review by the U.S. Supreme Court. here
Fellow Republican Matt Hudson (State power grab), said that he was outraged to learn that though the state does not fund Planned Parenthood, “there were eight county health departments that took it upon themselves without legislative authority on their own to enter into contracts with them,” a move he said he was able to end during the last Legislative Session.

Florida Who Backs Trump?


Friday, May 13, 2016

Leftist In Tampa Heights

Guest of Honor: 
John Bachtell – Communist Party USA

Thanks for visiting our magical space. 
 He will be on WMNF with Rob Lorei today. 
Thank you  John Streater for bringing us together.

Communist Party USA

Pasco County Attacking Tampa

These four people are with 
A Pasco County Commission majority is getting behind TBX here
Hey, Zephyrhills, Dade City, NPR, San Antonio, Hudson and Holiday you guys arn't getting yourcities torn up. help us out!  

What Pilar Had For Lunch

Christianos Salad
With Tanqueray Martini
At my favorite Ybor City eatery.
Christianos Pizza and Pasta
Visit them here. Eat Local!

Yes On 2: Join The Party

Check this out. 
Victory Party in Ybor City, Florida

Susan Smith Rant

"Democratic powers-that-be support Blue Dogs/DLC/New Dems (many of whom are former Republicans). When these weak Democrats win, party leaders spend all of their time complaining that these DINOs won't work together with the caucus. The DINOs vote with Republicans giving them "bi-partisan" cover for shitty legislation. Voters then stay home at election time because they are disappointed in Democrats and don't know what we stand for." Susan Smith

Thursday, May 12, 2016

CIW: Boycott Wendys Tampa Bay

We have stood with 
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers 
for a long time.
They are asking for your help.
That is not a problem around here, we only eat local.  

How Payday Lenders Invested In Florida INC.

Payday lenders have donated about $2.5 million to Florida politicians and both political parties in recent years, according to a new analysis by a liberal group.
The group gave the Miami Herald an advanced copy of its new report, “A Florida Plan: How payday lenders bought Florida’s political establishment.” The report lists donations given to federal and state candidates as well as the state’s Republican and Democratic parties since 2009.
Overall, Republicans received $1.6 million and Democrats received about $890,000, while $29,000 went to independents. But the top individual recipients were South Florida Democrats:
▪ U.S. Rep. Alcee Hastings of Delray Beach: $110,700;
▪ Former U.S. Rep Kendrick Meek, who ran for the U.S. Senate in 2010: $72,800;
▪ U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy of Jupiter, who is running for the Senate: $51,000;
▪ Wasserman Schultz of Weston: $50,600.
The Republican Party of Florida received $1,083,447, and the Florida Democratic Party received about $366,500.

Seminole Heights FDOT Meeting May 5th

They didn't want anymore of this. here

Miami Pot Scores High

61% -36%
In favor of medical marijuana

Tampa Hoods

Tampa Heights Corner of Florida and Palm.