Sunday, August 21, 2016

Cubans And Mexicans Coming To The Coast Of Florida - Not Good!

A few hundred miles from the west coast of Florida is a 7,700-square-mile area of the Gulf of Mexico known as the Eastern Gap, thought to be rich with oil but with no clear owner.
The U.S., Cuban and Mexican governments are now negotiating how to split the area among the three nations. Once that happens, each country can drill for oil in its allotted portion. here

Spotlight on Government: Kevin Beckner, Hillsborough County Commissioner

Hillary Clinton: Floridians deserve clean water

Editor's note: Hillary Clinton wrote this guest column for Treasure Coast Newspapers and its digital editions, TCPalm. We contacted Republican nominee Donald Trump's campaign, extending an offer to publish a guest column from him on this topic, but did not receive a response. here

A Minute with Nevin Sitler: Pier History

Thank You Richard Gonzmart

The future NOW
At the Ybor City Treasure
Columbia Restaurant
Visit them here

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Elizabeth Belcher: MacDill Ferry Was A Better Idea

The first proposal: South Shore to MacDill  
The second proposal: Tampa to St.Pete
So guess which one our "brilliant" commissioners select. The second, of course. It is a test to see if the ferry could be a viable option, i.e., be able to pay for itself. I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but this really smacks of a plot to ensure the ferry proposal is a failure. The commissioners will then be able to point to it as an excuse not to fund ferries. rere

David Jolly Jump On Over To The Good Side

Republicans say they’re fighting for every seat in the House. Every seat except Florida Rep. David Jolly’s, that is. The first-term GOP incumbent is running a lone-wolf reelection campaign, fighting for his political life. here

Mr. Jolly come on over to our side. You and Mark Sharpe are one of the few republicans we like around here.

Walkable Ybor

We are sticking with experience! 
Please Vote! Do it for your kids!

The Citrus Taliban Could Cost State $50K

Attorneys for a Gainesville abortion clinic requested Wednesday that the state be required to pay $50,000 in legal fees and costs after the clinic was cleared of an allegation that it performed second-trimester abortions without a proper license. here

Pam Bondi Your Prayers And Apologies Are Flaccid, Empty Words

Pam Bondi proclaimed that anyone targeting gays would be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law. You know, the same Pam Bondi who fought ardently against my being able to marry the man I love. The same Bondi who fought against my being able to adopt. The same Pam Bondi who, along with cronies Governor Rick Scott and Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry, have fought against protecting my rights, and for allowing people to fire me just because I’m gay. here

Friday, August 19, 2016

Free Lube For Florida's 23rd Congressional District

Despite the excitement insurgent Democrat Tim Canova has inspired nationally in his quest to defeat Debbie Wasserman Schultz in Florida’s 23rd Congressional District, a new internal poll shows the incumbent crushing Canova by 33 percentage points, 59 percent to 26 percent, with 15 percent undecided. here
How much crap are you guys going to take from this woman?

Now available to Dems in the 23rd Congressional District.

The Industrial Military Complex In Florida

Ybor Paparazzi

 Kate M Connolly

Donald Trump Screwed Me

Pat, Kevin And Alan Win LGBTA Democratic Caucus Straw Poll

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Fight For 15 In Seminole Heights

Laila  and Ashley

Kofi and Laila

Tim Heberlein


Erika and Brunilda 

The awesome Susan Long

Jay D. Alexander
Visit him here

Basking in the Richmond experience and
 planning the siege of Tallahassee at the 
Seminole Heights library in Tampa. 
Join them for Moral Monday on 9.12 in Tally. info