Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Trump Supports The Miami Cuban Mafia

Trump told supporters in Miami on Friday that if elected, he would reverse President Obama’s steps to normalize relations with Cuba. The candidate’s comments are closer in tone to the blistering prescriptions of Marco Rubio– a Cuban-American senator from Florida called El Guapo by the family. who has served as the voice of the MCM. here

Learn more about the MCM. here

Florida GOP Undermines Public Schools

The GOP leaders in Florida have been denigrating public-school teachers for years with low pay, removal of meaningful bonuses and crushing paperwork. The beginning pay is so low many teachers are forced to take second jobs. Do you want your child's teacher to be out working at a convenience store in the evenings instead of making lesson plans? here

You GOP voters out there we 
got your relief.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


More here

Rick Scott's Florida: Shit In The Water

Tourist Beware
Levels of the bacteria enterococci has exceed federal standards on South Beach.  the bacteria, found in animal and human intestinal tracts, is an indicator of fecal pollution. here

Read more here:

Read more here:

Florida DINO Love Fest At Arco Iris

Patrick Murphy, along with  Janet Cruz stopped by for a Cuban sandwich and plantain chips.  They sat at a long table of supporters bashing Little Marco. here

Ybor Paparazzi

Kate M Connolly and Kent Bailey

Florida GOP David Rivera Too Corrupt For Trump

Donald Trump’s campaign has struggled for institutional support from the Miami GOP, but its shying away from Republican, scandal-plagued former Congressman 
David Rivera. here

Monday, September 19, 2016

Jeff Zampitella Campaign Kick Off

Ybor Life: Napping At The Green Iguana

7th Ave

Tampa Love Has No Borders Food Drive

All day long on October 1st, the Concrete Rose Collective house will be accepting donations of non perishable foods (no 'pork') head scarves, children's toys, school supplies, educational games, gift cards and hygiene products to assist us in providing foods and filling needs for our growing list of families for the food delivery program. If you are a doctor, dentist, teacher, nurse, barber, dance instructor, business owner etc and would like to donate vouchers for free services as donation, please feel welcome to do so! info

Pat Kemp Hangs With Tampa's Latinos In Ybor City

Viva Tampa Bay Hispanic Heritage Festival
Centennial Park, Ybor City, Florida

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Is Tampa's Riverwalk Private Property?

We were there to take some pics of the 
"Float The Vote" event.

Tim Heberlein was there.

We thought we would help Pat out a little bit.
We put up our signs and were about 
to start passing out literature.

When these two guys came up. 
We were told by Jeremy and Alan that the Riverwalk is private property. It belongs to the City of Tampa? If the sidewalk is painted it is a "No Free Speech Zone."
They did allow us on the dock.

Ybor Paparazzi

Carina at L'Unione Italiana

SHINE Community Mural Project

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living in Tampa

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Local Treasures Jamie & Laila

Young Female Progressive Leaders;
Laila Abdelaziz & Jamie Klapholz
Image: Kate M Connolly