Thursday, October 6, 2016

Bob (El Alcalde) Buckhorn Of The MCM

Bob Buckhorn’s recent trip to China invoked charges of hypocrisy from critics, who compared his very different public stance when it comes to doing business with Cuba. here
As a member of The Miami Cuban Mafia, El Alcalde as he is called by the family doing business with Cuba is unacceptable.

Florida GOP, Pro TBX Sandy Murman MIA

The Tiger Bay debate in Ybor was originally scheduled for October 7. Sandy Murman was unable to appear on that date so Tiger Bay reschedule the event around Ms. Murman's schedule to October 14. She confirmed almost two weeks ago, now suddenly has a conflict on this date.
"Maybe Ms. Murman doesn't want to defend her vote on TBX. Maybe she doesn't want to discuss the fiscally irresponsible transit 'plan' that she recently proposed that would have jeopardized our credit rating and threatened future essential services (police, fire, and rescue). Maybe she wanted to avoid having to answer questions about her donors - many of them developers - and why she often votes in favor of developer interests, instead of the residents of a particular area. These are all questions that may never get answered now that she is not going to attend the October 14 forum." here

The Yahoos On The Hillsborough County Commission

States with legal recreational marijuana
States with medical marijuana
 New Hampshire
 New Jersey
 New Mexico
 New York
 Rhode Island
Marijuana laws are changing all over the country, yet, here in Hillsborough County our elected leaders are banning 
dispensaries. County commissioners heard from 
a handful of residents
demanding commissioners ban new dispensaries from opening. here
So they did here. Is this a case of 
"Follow the money" 
or is "The Citrus Taliban" in complete control of
 our county commissioners? 

Deceptive Language Award Winner "Consumers for Smart Solar PAC"

 The Clear Language Institute – a non-profit organization whose mission is to foster legislation that's written using honest, easy-to-understand language – today announced it has given their first "Deceptive Language Award" to the Consumers for Smart Solar PAC
the sponsors of 
Florida's Amendment #1
The recipient of the award is a political organization consisting primarily of four utility companies: Florida Power & Light, Duke Energy, Tampa Electric Co. 
and Gulf Power Co. here

Our Liberal Badge Of Honor

Please enough with the hate mail. 
If you have something to say to us, 
please leave it in the comments 
section on the blog. Warning we will start posting your e-mail address.

Florida Vote NO on 1 - #1 Is NOT Pro-Solar!

Vote NO on 1 - 1 is NOT pro-solar!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Pat And Jeff Show In Ybor

10.14 - 11:30AM
 L'Unione Italiana

Tampa Tiger Bay Club welcomes candidates for Hillsborough County Commission. Transit champions Jeff Zampitella and Pat Kemp. 

Florida GOP, Pro TBX Sandy Murman and Tim Schock won't be there, they have more important things to do.

Florida Homeless Bill of Rights Press Conferences

10.10 - 10AM
Fort Lauderdale, Tampa
 Orlando and Pensacola

Florida's Latino Population Is Going Democratic

The political leanings of Florida's Latino population have been viewed as an anomaly nationwide for years, with conservative Cuban Americans forming the heart of the Latino voting bloc in the state.  But a combination of changing demographics (e.g. the influx of Puerto Rican transplants fleeing economic conditions), generational shifts, and GOP defections has entirely reshaped the Latino vote. here

Vote Yes on 2 - "Elise"

Women's Day of Action Against Trump In Tampa

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Stop the Ban on Hillsborough County Dispensaries!

 Tomorrow at 9 AM - 1 PM
County Center
 601 E. Kennedy Blvd. 2nd Floor, Boardroom Tampa 


Check out their stuff here

Florida GOP Sandy Murman Yes On TBX

We've been trying to tell Sandy Murman about the problems with #TBXfor months. She's ignored us and ultimately voted yes on TBX, paving the way to demolish 100 private homes and 30 businesses. Sandy Murman wants to blame @fdot7 but the ultimate responsibility is with her and her vote. She wants to blame #Fdot but shouldn't she have known this plan as a sitting @Hillsborough MPO member? here