Monday, July 23, 2018

Ybor Paparazzi

Danny and Carlos

Florida GOP John Rutherford's Right Wing Propaganda

Congressman John Rutherford gives remarks on the Floor of the House of Representatives discussing the positive impacts of Republican policies on Northeast Florida and the American people.

Tampa Mayor Buckhorn Actively Seeking Lt. Gov. Slot

Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn is actively seeking the second spot on the Democratic gubernatorial ticket, Tampa Bay Beat has learned, but such a candidacy would bring more baggage than benefit.
Buckhorn has reached out to both the camps of Phillip Levine and Gwen Graham in his bid for the Lieutenant Governor slot. more
By Jim Bleyer

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Ybor Paparazzi

Danny and Carlos of Chillum

DPCTB has endorsed Sky White

Visit her here

Florida GOP Sliming of Florida

Again, Florida politicians are scurrying about, trying to camouflage their reputations and avoid being targeted in November by angry voters.
There's Rick Scott, trying to unseat Bill Nelson for US Senate: Scott, whose very first act as governor was to chainsaw the budget of the science agencies charged with protecting Florida waters. No funding, no science, no problem.
And Adam Putnam, whose loyalty to agricultural polluters in Florida led him to lobby Congress to WEAKEN federal laws protecting state waters. more

DPCF has endorsed Roy David Walker

Visit him here