Thursday, August 10, 2006

The neocons' next war
By secretly providing NSA intelligence to Israel and undermining the hapless Condi Rice, hardliners in the Bush administration are trying to widen the Middle East conflict to Iran and Syria, not stop it....more

A Clean Break:A New Strategy for Securing the Realm

The Nexus of Politics and Terror

In the last three years there had been about 13 similar coincidences - a political downturn for the administration, followed by a “terror event” - a change in alert status, an arrest, a warning....more

Watch it Here

Dean on Republican Post-Primary Spin

"Republicans can try to spin their propaganda, but the truth is Republicans are out of touch with America and the November elections will be a referendum on George Bush's failed policies".....more

Neo-Conservatives' "Favorite Democrat" Falls

Bush says plot a 'stark reminder'


Q&A: Liquid explosives

An alleged plot to blow up planes from the UK mid-flight and cause "mass murder on an unimaginable scale" has been disrupted, Scotland Yard has said....more

Penguins in Texas highway crash

Texas highway patrol officers carried out one of their strangest rescues after a truck carrying 25 penguins, an octopus and exotic fish overturned....more

Let's Speak Rumsfeldian!

It's the new language that's sweeping the globe!....more
Neo-Conservatives' "Favorite Democrat" Falls

Tuesday's defeat in Connecticut's primary election of President George W. Bush's "favourite Democrat", Sen. Joe Lieberman, by a little-known anti-war candidate marks a major setback to neo-conservative hopes of maintaining bipartisan support for the administration's aggressive foreign policies, particularly in the Middle East.....more

Smith lets Big Sugar do the dirty work

How nice that U.S. Sugar, which has done so much for - sorry, I meant to - the state of Florida, now is telling people how to vote in the governor's race.....more

Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Lamont's Victory -- A Media Defeat
Jeff Cohen

Lieberman is not just the favorite Democrat of the White House and corporate interests; he’s also a favorite of conservative pundits and Fox News and Sean Hannity, who proposed “Conservatives for Lieberman” and has volunteered to campaign and fundraise for Joe in Connecticut.....more
The Unmaking of a Senator: How Bloggers Pulled It Off

With Lieberman's primary loss, the netroots movement has established itself as a power center among Democrats. But will its influence haunt the party in November?.....more

"MoveOn is not fringe. They're the heart of the party.".....Mary Matalin
Dean on Yesterday's Strong Turnout in Democratic Primaries Across the Country

"In Connecticut, Democratic voters exercised their most fundamental right as Americans, choosing Ned Lamont as the Democratic nominee. We congratulate Mr. Lamont and look forward to working with him both to ensure his victory in November and as a United States Senator....more
Mr. Lamont Goes to Washington

The Morning After....
Posted by Kirby noon Eastern

We follow people who care about their fellow man and supporting this amazing experiment called the United States and getting it back in line with the Constitution our framers brilliantly constructed so as to remain our guiding principle here, 200+ years later......more

C'mon kids, let's go to Army World!

The Army is considering a proposal to allow a private developer to build a military-themed park that would include Cobra Gunship rides and bars including a "1st Division Lounge.".....more
Ned, Did it!
Antiwar challengers across US get a vote of confidence

In October 2002, lawmakers in Congress were presented with a preelection test about where they stood on Iraq, and most answered it by siding with President Bush, voting to authorize his use of force against Saddam Hussein and promising an anxious electorate that they would be protected against a potential threat from Iraq.....more
America Struggles With Its Own Evangelical Taliban

At this late stage of the Bush rapture, American evangelism is a lot like the Exxon Valdez: Massive, sloshing with oily energy and not a little drunk on its power as it steers through hazards of its own designs. The moment evangelicals began tearing down the church-state wall, the rubble became their shoals.....more

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Bengals fans who spot bad behavior can call hot line

Bengals fans annoyed by bad behavior in the stands can now report it by cell phone. The hot line number should be easy to remember -- (513) 381-JERK....more