Sunday, September 3, 2006

Turning rubble into rhetoric

With war's debris as backdrop, Hezbollah seeks to stoke anti-U.S. sentiment and gain Lebanese support. Now that the fighting is over, the propaganda war has begun. Using the rubble and widespread destruction in Haret Hreik, Hezbollah's public relations department has gone into high gear to garner international sympathy and win over Lebanese domestic opinion.....more

Friday, September 1, 2006

Errors of the war on terror

Israel's failure to subdue Hezbollah demonstrates the many weaknesses of the war-on-terror concept. One weakness is that even if the targets are terrorists, the victims are often innocent civilians, and their suffering reinforces the terrorist cause.....more

Bin Laden manhunt still drawing a blank

Five years after the Sept. 11 attacks, the most publicized manhunt in history has drawn a blank. The CIA has dismantled its unit dedicated to finding the al-Qaida chiefs. And the American military's once-singular focus is diffused by the need for reconstruction and a growing fight against the Taliban, the resurgent Afghan Islamic movement that once hosted bin Laden.....more
Dems target Rumsfeld

"We are approaching 2,700 dead Americans, 20,000 wounded, many of them missing eyes, missing limbs, facing paralysis," said Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.). "They want to debate that; we're happy to debate that." ......more

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Keith Olbermann In Trouble?

You've watched the video. You've read the blog. You've posted the comments. But have you written your letter to MSNBC. Have you written a letter to counterpoint the form letters that the rightwingers are trying to unleash on MSNBC right now......more

The next industrial giant is ... India?

India's economic advancement no longer rests on telephone call centers and computer programmers. Among villages with thatch-roofed huts and dirt roads on the outskirts of this city in west-central India, John Deere and LG have recently built factories turning out tractors and color television sets for sale in India and for export to the United States.....more

Challenging the Culture of Obedience

As President Bush visited Salt Lake City August 30 to promote his policies in Iraq and the "war on terror," Salt Lake City Mayor Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson delivered this address at a peace rally outside City Hall that drew more than 2,500 people. Watch the video here, via CBS affiliate KUTV, Salt Lake City......more

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Global Warming a Boon for Greenland's Farmers

Known for its massive ice sheets, Greenland is feeling the effects of global warming as rising temperatures have expanded the island's growing season and crops are flourishing. For the first time in hundreds of years, it has become possible to raise cattle and start dairy farms.....more
The Lieberman Effect

If Lieberman is encouraging Republicans and other conservatives to go to the polls to support his candidacy, Dems are understandably worried that those same voters will back GOP House candidates, undercutting key opportunities that could help shift the balance of power on the Hill....more
U.S. yeshiva student rockers raise cash for Israelis, Lebanese

We all have different opinions about the war, about the political situation here in Israel, Segal said from the stage in English. Nonetheless, he added, we all agree that everyone can relate to a human being as a human being......more
Taxpayers pay for Bush's campaign travel

Bankrolled almost entirely by taxpayers, President Bush' name is roaming far and wide on Air Force One to help Republicans retain control of Congress and capture statehouse contests in high-stakes midterm elections......more

To take this news as pleasant as possible, Stogie suggest KY

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

After Katrina

Full coverage of the New Orleans disaster and its aftermath.....more

CDF Katrina Project Needs Books
Book donations may be sent to:

Cathy Drane
1452 N. Broad St.
New Orleans, LA 70119

CDF Katrina Project website

Ruling helps voter registration groups

A federal judge in Miami stopped the state from enforcing a voter registration law that third-party groups said discriminated against them......more
The O'Reilly Excuse

Clinton makes up for lost time in battling AIDS

Bill Clinton worked the crowd of AIDS survivors, clasping the outstretched hands of children alive because of the AIDS medicines his foundation donated.....more

Monday, August 28, 2006

Reclaiming The Issues: Islamic Or Republican Fascism?

In the years since George W. Bush first used 9/11 as his own "Reichstag fire" to gut the Constitution and enhance the power and wealth of his corporate cronies, many across the political spectrum have accused him and his Republican support group of being fascists.....more

Saturday, August 26, 2006

The Trouble with Bush's 'Islamofascism'

If you thought the War on Terror was bad, get ready for the international disasters that the "war on Islamic fascism" will produce.....more
Ronda Storms Is Very Popular In Alabama

That's $6,500.00 dollars worth of campaign contributions from 931 Fairfax Park Tuscaloosa, Al 35406. Google Maps shows the location to be in an industrial park off of Watermelon Road. I'm curious as to why health businesses for the states of Florida, Arkansas and Missouri would all be in one Alabama.....more