Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Olbermann to Bush, "Have you no sense of decency, sir?"

Poll: Iraq war could wound GOP at polls

President Bush's unpopularity -- due largely to the war in Iraq -- seems likely to affect GOP candidates in congressional midterm elections in November, according to a CNN poll released Wednesday.The war in Iraq appears to be a main factor in Republican opposition, poll results show. Fifty-eight percent of poll respondents said they are opposed to the war, compared with 39 percent who approve of it.

Watch why Republicans are on the ropes
How Can 14,485 Hillsborough County Voter's Be So Dumb

A recognizable name, die-hard supporters and a drumbeat on family values paid off Tuesday for Ronda Storms, who parlayed eight stormy years on the Hillsborough County Commission into a winning primary bid for the Florida Senate.....more

Stephen Gorham
U.S. Losing Control Fast
The U.S. military has lost control over the volatile al-Anbar province, Iraqi police and residents say. The area to the west of Baghdad includes Fallujah, Ramadi and other towns that have seen the worst of military occupation, and the strongest resistance.....more

For battered Davis, worst lies ahead

How can U.S. Rep. Jim Davis possibly beat charming Charlie Crist, the telegenic, lavishly funded Republican gubernatorial candidate who stuck to the ideological center throughout a sometimes bruising GOP primary?.....more

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

War is not a solution for terrorism
Howard Zinn

THERE IS SOMETHING important to be learned from the recent experience of the United States and Israel in the Middle East: that massive military attacks, inevitably indiscriminate, are not only morally reprehensible, but useless in achieving the stated aims of those who carry them out......more

Bush, GOP hoping terror card can save them from election drubbing

President Bush and the Republicans expect a stinging defeat in November, but they're betting the terror card saves them from an electoral debacle. "The security issue trumps everything," a senior Bush official said last week. "That's why even though they're really mad at us, in the end they're going to give us another two years.".......more
33 bodies found scattered across Baghdad

Police found the tortured, blindfolded bodies of 33 men scattered across the capital and the U.S.-led coalition reported combat deaths of seven servicemen, a day after Iraqi leaders said the capture of a top terror suspect would reduce violence.....more

Monday, September 4, 2006

Right Wing Authoritarianism
How to talk to a Conservative…

There are some genuinely thoughtful people who hold conservative values, but are self-aware enough to recognize and distinguish between the claims and the actions of the Bush Administration. But there are also an awful lot of people who simply don’t think critically and just reflexively defend this administration, despite mountains of evidence that their faith is ill-placed......more
Bush's Terror Tales

There is something sad about a grown man playing children's make-believe war games in a tree-house in grandpa's back yard—which is how George W. Bush came across Thursday night in his speech on the importance of winning the war in Iraq in the global battle against terrorism. Rarely does a leader of a great country like the United States malign history, his people's intelligence and the dignity of over a billion Muslims in one speech. But Bush did that Thursday night and will probably keep doing it for a while......more

Empty playgrounds in an aging Italy

While all of Europe has suffered from declining birthrates, nowhere has the drop been as profound and prolonged as in this once gorgeous Mediterranean city, the capital of Italy's graying Liguria region.....more
Pope Takes Cue from World Cup

As the pope prepares for his upcoming visit to Bavaria, the Vatican has embarked on an unprecedented campaign to market the leader of the Roman Catholic Church. By selling official fan paraphernalia, the church plans to turn a profit from the hype surrounding Pope Benedict XVI.....more
Smearing Joe Wilson, Again

The editorial page of Washington’s biggest newspaper might praise a whistleblower like Joe Wilson for alerting the American people to a government deception that helped lead the country into a disastrous war that has killed 2,627 U.S. soldiers.....more

Right wing uses ABC docudrama to push debunked claim blaming Clinton administration for 9-11

Summary: In anticipation of ABC's docudrama The Path to 9-11, the right-wing media have resurrected a debunked claim that attempts to place blame for the 9-11 attacks on the Clinton administration. Specifically, a review of the miniseries on the right-wing website Human Events Online asserted that the Clinton administration erected a "wall" to prevent information-sharing between government agencies. In fact, the "wall" long predated Bill Clinton's presidency......more

Sunday, September 3, 2006

Bush’s Salt Lake Whoppers

Did you catch Bush’s speech to the American Legion on Thursday? It was another warm-up to the Iran War, with Bush rehearsing some of the same old lines he once used to whip up a frenzy over Iraq. Just as he once called Iraq a “grave threat,” he said in Salt Lake City that “the world now faces a grave threat from the radical regime in Iran.”......more

Dean Says Democrats Will Win `Referendum on Republican Rule'

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said his party will regain control of Congress because Americans are tired of Republican policies, including those on national security.....more

May the messiest mudslinger finish last

For instance, not in my 25 years in Florida have I seen U.S. Sugar take such an overt role in a governor's race. Apparently the sugar industry believes it can buy itself a governor, spending heavily to attack one of the Democratic candidates, Jim Davis of Tampa, to the benefit of Rod Smith of Gainesville......more
Music for Tomorrow