Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Suger Land Bring Your Pencil's

Bush to implore Republicans to write in the name of a candidate whose name is not easily written: Shelley Sekula-Gibbs, a dermatologist who serves on the Houston city council.....more

Democrats retaking control of Congress would be a victory for terrorists.....G.W.Bush
DU: The Top 10 Conservative Idiots, No. 266
click here
John Edwards: What's at stake

Rookie Grandma Ready to Talk; Congressman Young a No Show

Congressional challenger and “rookie Grandma” Ms. Samm Simpson faces an empty chair during WEDU's District 10 Candidates' Debate to be broadcast Wednesday at 9 p.m. Her opponent C.W. “Bill” Young declined to participate in the taping over the weekend claiming he and his wife were in Washington to visit wounded vets in the hospitals and for congressional business. Congress has been recessed for two weeks for the elections.....more

Monday, October 30, 2006

Army monitors soldiers' blogs, Web sites

From the front lines of Iraq and Afghanistan to here at home, soldiers blogging about military life are under the watchful eye of some of their own........more

Saturday, October 28, 2006

MEET: Stephen Gorham

I am running for Florida Senate District 10. My wife, Rebecca, and I live in Plant City along with our 3 year old daughter, Sky Trinity. As a long time resident and a recent war Veteran honorably discharged from the U.S. Navy, I am very concerned about the many issues and problems we face as residents of Florida........more

Friday, October 27, 2006

Circus McGurkis Peace Picnic

Saturday, October 28, at Dell Holmes Park

This will be a celebration of 35 years of
Circus McGurkis
9 am to 4 pm. Picnic begins at 11.
Bring your own food and beverage......info

Dixie Chick's:They have a hate list and we were number one

Movie premieres this weekend in New York and Los Angeles......more
The Dixie Chicks joined "Hardball" host Chris Matthews......here
Ads for movie about their blacklisting blacklisted......via Tiny

Shut Up And Sing......website
Is Waterboarding torture?

Poll: Middle Class Voters Abandoning GOP

The 2006 election is shaping up to be a repeat of 1994. This time, Democrats are favored to sweep Republicans from power in the House after a dozen years of GOP rule.......more

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Researchers Crusade against American Fundamentalists

In the United States, atheists are becoming an ostracized minority. But now evolutionary biologists are trying to turn the tables: According to their argument, religion is the source of evil. Morals and selflessness are not God-given - they are the result of evolution.......more
Why do Bush-Republicans lack courage to lead our troops from Iraq?

2803 troops dead, 655,000 Iraqi’s dead, Over 20,000 wounded troops, $300 million dollars a day, Half a trillion dollars spent on the colossal Iraq disaster, A full scale civil war now being waged with our Troops caught in the deadly crossfire of violence.......more

Australian Muslim Leader
Compares uncovered women to exposed meat

A senior Muslim cleric in Australia has sparked a furore by comparing women who do not wear a headscarf to "uncovered meat", implying that they invited sexual assault.......more

The 10 Worst Congressmen
click here

The Worst Congress Ever

This Guy Should Be At The Top Of The List

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Faith based initiative outreach going bust

Our "prodigal sons" are returning home to the progressive side of the aisle. No judgements. Let us embrace these wayward evangelicals, make sure they intend to vote the progressive way and get them to polls. This is how we win, not by bragging about how right we were.......more

"The Hell with Red/Blue; People Want Out of Iraq and Solutions"
Jim Hightower

The poor GOP I'm actually feeling a twinge of compassion for the Repubs. Poor babies, they're trying to run this year with a Gibraltar of weighty political negatives piled on their backs, including Iraq, Halliburton, Iran, congressional corruption, oil profits, CEO pay, corporate scandals, minimum wage, off-shored jobs, trade scams, rising poverty, Katrina, health care, prescription drugs, Social Security privatization, tax boondoggles, national debt, torture, NSA spying, secret prisons, and "signing statements.".......more
US troops call for Iraq pullout

More than 200 men and women from the United States armed services have joined a protest calling for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, organisers say. The soldiers said they did not think it was worth their while to be in Iraq and questioned the use of repeated tours of duty. The campaign, called the Appeal for Redress from the War in Iraq, takes advantage of defence department rules allowing active duty troops to express personal opinions to politicians without fear of retaliation.......more

The campaign's website
Also Check Out
Iraq Veterans Against the War
U.S. generals call for Democratic takeover
click here