Tuesday, November 14, 2006

George the Duck
Will Bush the sequel be just as lame?

In the view of many on the right, Bush isn't just a lame duck, but a Roboduk – a motorized decoy despised by purists. By constantly spinning their wings to seem authentic, Roboduks lure real ones to an untimely, unsporting, and unethical demise -- just like the Republican Congress.....more
New Board Members Favor Mass Transit Agenda

During this election season mass transit and specifically light rail figured predominantly in nearly every debate and questionnaire put to all the candidates. We need to be honest, in most cases the strongest advocates for light rail did not win this time around.....more

A Liberal's Pledge to Disheartened Conservatives
Michael Moore

I know you are dismayed and disheartened at the results of last week's election. You're worried that the country is heading toward a very bad place you don't want it to go. Your 12-year Republican Revolution has ended with so much yet to do, so many promises left unfulfilled. You are in a funk, and I understand.....here

Monday, November 13, 2006

DU: Top 10 Conservative Idiots, No. 268
Hate Mailbag Special......here

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Tampa Taxi Shots Closing Down Because Of Me
click here

Here is my 15 minutes, I want to apologie to all the Tampa Blab readers for all the Howard Dean posts the last few days. With all the good news coming out about Dr. Dean, i might have gone overboard. The regurgitated Salon article Mr. Fasano is talking about
Howard Dean,vindicated is a excellent piece by Joe Conason at Salon.com.
"Watching The Right Wing"? I cannot do Ronda Storms everyday.
As far as being original, i am not a writer, i am a reader. I did not start my blog for Tampa Blab or to get quoted in the ST. Pete Times. I started it for myself. The Stogie is a political blog, i'll leave the dribble to Mr. Fasano. If he doesnt want to read about Dr. Dean's insanity, dont click. As far as getting all the ball licking activity, that is beyond my control. I am not trying to dominate anything. Maybe Mr. Fasano is a little upset because his side lost. I dont hear him saying anything when "Right Wing Howler" or "HCCC" hog the Blab.
I thought there was room for both of us, i guess i was wrong. sorry to see you go.

PS" Your post of us winning the Vietnam war did it for me. Stay vigilant for those terrorist on Kennedy Blvd.


Saturday, November 11, 2006

Civic group to file suit vs Rumsfeld

An association of lawyers defending detainees held at the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, said Friday it will be filing suit against outgoing US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for his alleged role in sanctioning torture.....more

Dean promises respect for all

"We won in places that some thought we couldn't," Dean said. "We earned the votes of people who may not have voted for a Democrat in a long time ... We also reached out to all Americans, regardless of party or religious affiliation, and we talked about the values and beliefs that we share as Americans."......more

US soldiers become citizens

US soldiers take an oath of citizenship during a naturalization ceremony held in one of ousted Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's former palaces. US commanders in Iraq marked today by presiding over the naturalization of 75 soldiers from 33 different countries......more

Friday, November 10, 2006

Commemorating Veterans Day
Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean today issued the following statement commemorating Veteran's Day:

"Today, Americans are united in honoring the almost 27 million veterans of our country's Armed Forces. For generations, Americans of all backgrounds, from all across the country have answered the call to service. They and their families have made great sacrifices in defense of our freedoms, serving with honor and distinction. This year's commemoration, like others in recent years, takes on added significance, as our nation continues to ask so much of the brave men and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. They have answered the call, displaying great skill and courage, and demonstrating a commitment to American that makes us all proud. We are all deeply indebted to them, and the brave soldiers who have served before them......more
Dixie Chicks diss George Bush, Donald Rumsfeld
At Vancouver concert

"Either the beer is free or you're happy that Donald Rumsfeld resigned today,"

click here
James Carville on crack

"Suppose Harold Ford became chairman of the DNC? How much more money do you think we could raise? Just think of the difference it could make in one day. Now probably Harold Ford wants to stay in Tennessee. I just appointed myself his campaign manager.".....more

Howard Dean to Mr. Carville.....here

Howard Dean, vindicated

The DNC chairman's "crazy" strategy of rebuilding the Democratic Party across all states helped it ride the national wave against the GOP.....more
Jon Stewart And Howard Dean

"I know half your audience wants us to impeach the president"-- this drew wide cheers -- "but it's not going to happen."

A Letter From Ned Lamont

Dear Stogie, We didn't win, but we made a difference; tomorrow we start again. Don't stop now, we're just beginning. It starts with one person standing up and speaking out, and then a lot of people, powered by grassroots and netroots and a passion to do better. That's what I heard all over the state: we can do better.....more
Embarrassed Florida Voters Send Incoherent Man To U.S. House

click here

A Hot Oily Substance Greets Pombo In Hell

You embodied the cozy corruption, utter fealty to big industry, and mendacious faux conservatism of the 109th Congress. And now? Now you're gone. See Ya.......more

Saddam: Let's now charge the accomplices
Why isn't Donald Rumsfeld being charged?

In December 1983, Rumsfeld was in Baghdad to signal America's approval of Iraq's aggression against Iran. Rumsfeld was back in Baghdad on 24 March 1984, the day that the United Nations reported that Iraq had used mustard gas laced with a nerve agent against Iranian soldiers. Rumsfeld said nothing......more
Unemployed Republicans flood the market

The hundreds of Republican staffers — not to mention more than a few Members — who will lose their jobs in the next few weeks are going to face a hostile marketplace on K Street as unemployed Republicans flood the market......more