Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Bush, The Divider

The roots of most of American Jewry's anger toward the current president, George W. Bush, cannot be traced to Israel. They did not vote for him in the first place. His ongoing support for Israel may be recognized and appreciated by the establishment, Israeli and Jewish, but it does not receive due credit among a wide Jewish-American public that is liberal, Democratic, dovish and very angry at Bush for significant and various reasons......more

"Move On" Ad: Blocking Debate

Is Edwards the Howard Dean of 2008?
With his call earlier this week for higher taxes on both the wealthy and businesses to support his massive $120 billion-per-year universal health-care plan, John Edwards continued a series of moves that have made him the 2008 campaign's Howard Dean......more

Fruitcake Polling Higher Than Bush
According to the latest CBS News poll, the president's overall approval rating has dipped to 28 percent—the lowest number in his presidency and dangerously close to Nixon's all-time low of 24 percent. To lend a little context to this historic feat, we found some other people and things with equal or greater popularity........more
“Let’s get rid of the Mexicans!”
Supremacist activity flourishes
Groups linked to the Ku Klux Klan, skinheads and neo-Nazis grew significantly more active, holding more rallies, distributing leaflets and increasing their presence on the Internet — much of it focused on stirring anti-immigrant sentiment........more

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Michelle Malkin's Lips

Activists Launch The Occupation Project:
A Campaign of Sustained Nonviolent Civil Disobedience to End the Iraq War
Ten people were arrested occupying the offices of the staunchly pro-war and likely-presidential hopeful Senator John McCain. The activists sang the names of seventy-five servicemembers from McCain’s home-state of Arizona who died in Iraq and chanted “We remember you.” The action is part of a new campaign called The Occupation Project: A Campaign of Sustained Nonviolent Civil Disobedience to End the Iraq War. It's being led by the group Voices for Creative Nonviolence.
Kathy Kelly's, (Executive Director of Voices for Creative Nonviolence) interview with Amy

Red Eye - Faux News' Answer to The Daily Show

Dean on the GOP's Obstruction on Iraq Resolution

"This is the most important issue facing our nation and the American people have made it clear where they stand. We believe that the American people deserve to know where their representatives in Congress stand on the President's escalation of the Iraq War. Why are the president's supporters in Congress afraid to have to stand up and tell the American people where they stand on the president's efforts to escalate the war? By voting to block this debate, Republicans have essentially given a green light to President Bush to continue down the same failed strategy in Iraq.....more

Lieberman joined with the Republican filibuster. Republicans Susan Collins of Maine and Norm Coleman of Minnesota switched sides and voted with the Democrats.
Limbaugh compared American troop deaths in Iraq to Philly murder rate
We're concerned with death here. We're concerned with body counts. We're concerned with the breakdown of law and order. Insurgencies, gangs, whatever you want to call them. They're out of control in major American cities, and Philadelphia is just one example, and where are the hearings on this?........more
Beirut Store Owners Ban Political Talk
It's one of the ways Lebanese are coping with the standoff between pro- and anti-government camps."It's better without politics," reads the red and white sticker at the entrance of a pub on the restaurant- and bar-filled Gemayzeh Street in the Christian sector of Beirut.......more

Kuwaiti Singer Satirizes the Bush War

Monday, February 5, 2007

The Kingdom's Religious Police
A Saudi Arabian judge sentenced 20 foreigners to receive lashes and spend several months in prison after convicting them of attending a party where alcohol was served and men and women danced....more
The Official Religious Police site (Arabic)
If Clinton Wins Nomination, Nader May Run

I don’t think she has it. And she has this increasingly distasteful habit of pandering and flattering in her public appearances. And she panders to special interest groups that need to be given the straight truth, and she flatters people in her audience. And I think that is a sign that she thinks she’s a frontrunner and she can play cautious......more
The New Mass Migration
There are journeys that change a traveler, that transform him into a different person. And there are travelers who, by the end of their journey, want nothing so much as for life to return to the way it used to be. But they discover that there is no turning back, that their world has changed irrevocably.......more
Democrats praise Dean's much criticized 50-state strategy
The Democratic National Committee showcased the party's presidential candidates at its winter meeting here, but the gathering also was a victory lap for Chairman Howard Dean and his much criticized 50-state strategy.Just months ago, as the 2006 congressional elections were approaching, Dean came under fire from some party officials, who charged that the national party was wasting money in so-called red Republican states instead of pouring resources into blue states that tend to vote Democratic......more

Saturday, February 3, 2007

THE CANDIDATES: Presidential hopefuls court the party faithful

Four years ago, Howard Dean burst onto the national stage with a fiery speech at the Democratic National Committee's winter meeting that captured his party's anger toward President Bush and the brewing war in Iraq.......more
Right Sees Lemons in White House Race

Contemplating the current field of Republican presidential candidates, Rush Limbaugh sounded like a man with malaise. "To be honest with you, there's nobody out there that revs me up," he confessed to his audience of several million conservative sympathizers on his radio show last week, "so why should I pretend there is?"......more