Monday, January 10, 2011

Kelly Benjamin For The City Of Tampa

"Just ran into my opponent at the supervisor of elections office as he prepared to buy his way on the ballot. I tried to warn him to save his money, take a vacation, buy some things for the grandkids, but he's stubborn. Too bad.".....Kelly Benjamin

Meet Craig Addams

A Glenn Beck Fan On Facebook
He hates niggers and is recruiting for the KKK.
"I'm with glen beck he come with the truth like I come with the truth.".....
Craig Addams

Steve Labrake Announced His Endorsement Of Dick Greco

LeBrake served in the last Greco administration and is currently serving the final months of incarceration for his conviction of conspiracy, wire fraud and accepting bribes and gratuities.

Yankees Erect Steinbrenner Statue In Tampa

An Accompanying Plaque Reads:
“A great philanthropist whose charitable efforts were mostly performed without fanfare, he followed a personal motto of the greatest form of charity is anonymity.”

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Allen Wasserman
The Stogie has know Allen for over 20 years. He is from Tampa but likes living in Santa Barbara, Ca. He was in town to visit his family over the holidays and we got together and had a great time.

He has his own You Tube Channel in which he films homeless life. He is also on Facebook.

Radio Legend Neil Rogers Dies

Rest In Peace My Friend
Neil passed away on December 24, 2010. If anyone is seeking to make a donation in Neil’s honor, please bring a check for Abandoned Pet Rescue, Inc. For further information,

please contact Norm Kent, (954) 661-3361.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

If Ballots Don't Work, Bullets Will

An Open Letter To Joyce Kaufman

The following is an open letter to WFTL-850 FM radio host Joyce Kaufman, whose incendiary political rhetoric included a Tea Party rally remark that, "If ballots don't work, bullets will.
Dear Joyce,

In Memory Of Christina Taylor Green

Rest In Peace Little One.
We Must Never Stop Believing In Monsters!

Support The Greco Campaign

To support the Greco campaign and court influence in future policy making you can donate to the campaign. Submit your small denominations of unmarked bills in a nondescript manila envelope or plain briefcase and leave it in the alley behind the campaign offices. Do not look back, do not talk to anyone,
just leave the money and go.

True Grit: Then And Now


Keith Olbermann On The The Right Wing Terror In Arizona

Stogie's List Of Domestic Terrorist

Glenn Beck - Rush Limbaugh - Sean Hannity - Mark Levin - Michael Savage - Bill O'Reilly
Sarah Palin - Allen West - Sharron Angle - Joe Arpaio - Jesse Kelly - Jon Matthews - Fox News

Many More Not Listed.
Tampa Bay Bloggers On The Right Wing Violence In Tucson.
Litbrit - Mad Floridian - Saint Petersblog - Recreating Tampa - The Spencerian - Pushing Rope
"There's reason to believe that this individual may have a mental issue. And I think people who are unbalanced are especially susceptible to vitriol, People tend to pooh-pooh this business about all the vitriol we hear inflaming the American public by people who make a living off of doing that. That may be free speech, but it's not without consequences.".......Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sidewalk Living

In Tampa

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Roast Pork
With Moro And Yuca
$3.99.......Huracan Supermarket, 402 E Sligh Ave, Tampa
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

Chemtrail Over Tampa

Check Out Whats Going On In Phoenix Arizona

Press Gets An A++” For Being So Obedient

Rick Scott met with the Capitol press corps for the first time since his swearing-in on Tuesday and before the governor even reached the podium Scott’s spokesman laid out some new rules. Brian Burgess told reporters that the days of chasing the governor out of his large conference room into the antechamber that leads to his private sanctum are over.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Jim
He is from New York. Has been homeless for about 6 months.

Refuse The Future, Hold Onto The Past, Vote Greco Again

The Once and Future King, Never Actually Convicted and Ready To Go Again.