Thursday, October 3, 2013

Once You Go Indie You Never Go Back

Olive Garden saw a 4 percent drop in sales over the summer. Red Lobster is down 5.2 percent. And that’s in spite of efforts to promote new lighter dishes, small plates and better deals. Now their parent company, Orlando based Darden, is replacing its president and cutting 80 to 85 staff positions to save $50 million. Some analysts say the middle class isn’t eating out as much. Post-recession, that is true. The restaurant industry overall is in a battle with the fast-casual options of Noodles & Co., Chipotle and Panera. People want deals and they want quality. And more and more, we want local. Once I was exposed to indie restaurants and learned the awesome that is buying and supporting local, I just wasn’t interested in big-chain dining......more
Also check out Living Off Tips and Tampa Bay Locavore for a full list of local places to eat.
 more here:

Alan Grayson To Host Tampa Fundraiser For Alan Cohn

Alan Cohn, a former investigative reporter at WFTS-Ch. 28 is running against U.S. Rep. Dennis Ross, R-Lakeland, in Florida's 15th Congressional district. The fundraiser is scheduled for 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.Oct. 7 at Mangrove’s Soho restaurant and lounge, 208 S Howard Ave., Tampa.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I Am John Mica

Check out Nick Ruiz III in 2014.

Amanda Murphy & Bill Nelson In Holiday

                                            Event Hosts
Representative Mark Danish - Michael Cox - Dr. Larry & Ellen Floriani
John & Karen Ford - Raymond Gadd - Bill & Judy Gibson - Marvin
& Patsy Hickman - Beverly & Michael Ledbetter - Dr. Lynn Lindeman - Jose Ceballos - Ken Savich - Joe & Patty King - Elena McCullough
 With Special Guest
Senator Bill Nelson
Invite You to Join Them in Supporting
Amanda Murphy
Candidate for State Representative District 36
Friday, October 4th  3:30pm – 5:00 pm

Bailey’s Bluff Clubhouse
2021 Gulf View Drive
Please RSVP to Brian Goff (561) 843-1824 or
Josh Weierbach (407) 697-0823 
If you can't attend you can donate by clicking here 

Florida's Panhandle Big City Homies

North Florida pols (republicans) have packed their state House districts with a particularly low-maintenance category of citizens. The kind who don’t show up at townhall meetings clamoring about too much traffic or lousy parks or crumbling bridges or under-funded schools or the need for more cops on the beat. They never, ever complain about too few cops. Best of all they don’t go around town grumbling that folks should vote for that other candidate. They can’t. They can’t vote. They’re state prisoners.......more

Artists for Darden Rice

 fundraiser for the Darden Rice City Council District 4 general election campaign at DM Glass Studios! Thursday: 6:00pm until 8:00pm. 
550 24th Street South, St. Pete
Support Ms. Rice
Lite food and drinks provided. RSVP here. For more info, ask

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Florida Representatives Who Voted For Gov. Shutdown, All Republicans

Rep. Jeff Miller [R-D1] - Jim Bryan (D)
Rep. Steve Southerland [R-D2] - Gwen Graham (D)
Rep. Ted Yoho [R-D3]
Rep. Ander Crenshaw [R-D4] - Gary Koniz (Write-In)
Rep. Ron DeSantis [R-D6] - David Cox (D), Andrew Scott (D)
Rep. John Mica [R-D7] - Nick Ruiz III (D)
Rep. Bill Posey [R-D8] - Gabriel Rothblatt (D), Corry Westbrook (D)
Rep. Daniel Webster [R-D10]
Rep. Richard Nugent [R-D11]
Rep. Gus Bilirakis [R-D12]
Rep. W. Bill Young [R-D13] - Jessica Ehrlich (D)
Rep. Dennis Ross [R-D15] - Alan Cohn (D)
Rep. Vern Buchanan [R-D16]
Rep. Thomas Rooney [R-D17] - Will Bronson (D)
Rep. Trey Radel [R-D19] - April Freeman (D)
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart [R-D25]
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen [R-D27]

IHabit Heroes To Show Florida Kids How To Be Healthy

Marvel Custom Solutions has teamed with Well Point and Florida Blue to create a new comic focused on childhood wealth and

Kriseman Campaign

Obamacare Open For Business

Open For Business

Monday, September 30, 2013

I Am Rick Scott

Florida Counties Defy Scott On Affordable Care Act

Individual counties in Florida are resisting Gov. Rick Scott’s ban on a program designed to help Americans better understand their options under the Affordable Care Act. The Republican governor issued an order earlier this month to bar “navigators” trained to help people sign up for health insurance in Florida. Broward County, which contains 31 cities, is just one of the Florida counties defying the governor’s order. Both Pinellas County and Miami-Dade, Florida’s most populous county and the state’s second-highest uninsured population, have also announced they will allow navigators to assist residents in enrolling for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act........more
Where is Hillsborough County? Watch video here

Opt Out of Koch Propaganda, Not Obamacare

Free Shotguns In Florida

Members of a gun-rights group think they have the answer to combating crime — free shotguns and ammo to homeowners. Members of the Armed Citizen Project of Florida have been dropping leaflets on doorsteps in the Sunshine Gardens community near Orlando, offering to “arm volunteer households,” for free........more

Sunday, September 29, 2013

GOP's Ransom Demands

The GOP’s Descent Into Madness

Ted Cruz: The GOP’s self-made monster......more
GOP Raises Money For Democrats By Accident......more
Providing Health Care For Seniors And Veterans Is ‘Un-American’........more
Gay Marriage Will Lead to Interspecies Marriage......more
GOP Self-Implosion Continues.......more

Larry Klayman Sets Date

The totally-not-delusional Larry Klayman has finally set a date for his proposed uprising to remove President Obama from office: November 19, rotesters will “descend on Washington, D.C., en masse, and demand that he leave town and resign from office if he does not want to face prison time” for pushing “his Muslim, socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-white, pro-illegal immigrant, pro-radical gay and lesbian agenda.”........more
They just convicted him in Ocala.
The Day the Clown Cried Wolf

Naples Goodwill Employee Andrew Anderson Arrested For Helping Poor

Goodwill says it no longer wants to press charges.