Saturday, October 12, 2013

Tampa Bay Tea Party Members


The End Of The Republican Party

The Republicans have the shutdown. This is Week Two of the shutdown, and already we have seen the lowest approval ratings for the GOP in history. Indeed, I have heard faint, quiet whispers of a Democratic takeover of the House, the heavy price to be inflicted on belligerent Republicans. What will Week Three bring?


Multi-Award winning Actress Sharon Gless, a Florida resident, has joined Equality Florida in its Get Engaged campaign (, a statewide call to action with the goal of securing full marriage equality in the state of Florida.....more

Alan Grayson SILENCED After Comparing Republicans To Dog Poop

Friday, October 11, 2013

Tampa Bay Tea Party Members


Steve Galvin's Robo Calls

His recorded call to voters attacking opponent Amy Foster in the District 8 race masquerades as a look at her record of public service. It is really a smear campaign against Foster, who is gay. The city has come too far in embracing and respecting residents regardless of sexual orientation to fall for such divisive baiting......more
Check out Ms. Foster here

Florida's Corporate Welfare Program

DC might be closed but Rick Scott is open for business.
Check out  Florida's Corporate Welfare Program here

DFA Endorses Rick Kriseman

St. Petersburg has it all -- it's a great city with tons of potential for growth and expansion. In fact, about the only thing it doesn't have is a forward thinking, progressive Mayor who knows that St. Petersburg can be even better and will fight to make it that way for every family. You can change that -- and that's why DFA is proud to endorse
Rick Kriseman for Mayor of St. Petersburg. Help him out here

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Florida GOP Leaders Back Cruz

While the government is shutdown hundreds of top state Republican Party donors and officials celebrated their party’s political success at a party in Disney World last week. The party is sending letters of support to Cruz and others in Congress who backed him. Hard-core party activists in the crowd weren’t worried about the shutdown, Jorge Bonilla, who hopes to run in 2014 against liberal bad-ass Rep. Alan Grayson of Orlando, called the shutdown “regrettable” and “an unfortunate failure of leadership,” which of course he blames on the Democratic-controlled Senate and
President Barack Obama........more

Gay Florida Teen Kaitlyn Hunt Pleads No Contest

Florida Republican Ted Yoho

part of the faction who forced John Boehner to trigger the government shutdown and now wants to move along to default on the national debt. How bad will default be? "I think, personally, it would bring stability to the world markets,"
Yoho told the Post.......more

Ready For Hillary In Tampa

Former Tampa Mayor Sandy Freedman hosts a low-dollar fundraiser/informational session on Ready For Hillary political committee gearing up and pushing for a presidential bid by the former secretary of state. Suggested contribution is just $25......more
Oct. 22 - 5:30 to 7:30 pm
Mise en Place in Tampa

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I Am Vern Buchanan

I am from Sarasota. I am always on someones list of most  corrupt politicians.
 I am in the top ten over at Judicial Watch, and I am number 5 at CREW's most corrupt for 2013.
But somehow the nice folks down here keep electing me.

Obama's Revolution: We Are Winning

Lincoln Club in Tampa


A group of concerned citizens, all of whom are ratepayers of Duke Energy, will hold a rally & press conference in front of Duke Energy headquarters on
Saturday, October 12th at 11AM.
downtown St. Pete 299 1st Avenue North
The group, named “STOP DUKE RIP OFF” is calling for the defeat of the proposed settlement
between Duke Energy and the Public Service Commission which requires Duke customers to pay
$3.2 billion of the cost for two nuclear power plants that are not going to be built, costing each of the 1.7 million customers almost $2,000 in higher electric bills.

Dolphins Are Dying In The Gulf

It's been more than three years since the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico began, yet bottlenose dolphins in the Gulf are still suffering.......more

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I Am Steve Southerland

Polls are showing that I am in trouble.
You see I belong to a group that is trying to destroy the Republican party and 
I made the mistake of following some wacko from Texas and now I will probably loose my job. You do have a choice you know, check out
Gwen Graham she is the daughter of one of Florida's greatest governors,
 she will serve you well.

Howard Dean Campaign Inspires New George Clooney Film

George Clooney stars in Sony Pictures' film "The Ides of March." Clooney portrays an idealistic presidential candidate and his character is loosely based on former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean.