Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Is America a Christian Nation?

Florida Under Water

A senior scientist at the Environmental Defense Fund, Jane Long, has warned Florida residents that global warming will lead to them being under water. The remarks were made at a recent three-day conference targeting journalists and addressing the issue of global warming and worldwide climate change at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)........more>
A new study published this Friday has revealed that conservative donors are more active than ever in funding efforts to block action on climate change — to a tune of more than $1 billion a year.....more>

Ybor Paparazzi

Local Dancers

Monday, December 23, 2013

Happy Festivus Day

From The Ybor City Stogie

Ybor Paparazzi

Photographer on 7th ave

No Brakes

Car runs into the Rent A Center, Northgate in Tampa

Give refunds to drivers wrongly ticketed by red light cameras

Wengay Newton wants St. Petersburg to start refunding fines to drivers incorrectly ticketed by red light cameras installed since the fall of 2011.
“This was not a thing about safety,” Newton told 10 News. “This was all about revenue”
Get The Facts on Red Light Cameras

Where Are The Job Seekers?

I hate to sound like a right winger but in this case they might have a point. My friend is looking for 2 people to fill positions in his company, he placed an ad on Craigslist. About 30 people called, only one showed up.
Does anyone want a job? 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Tampa Theater Voted One Of The 10 Most Beautiful

The Tampa Theaters has been voted as one of the Top 10 Most Beautiful theaters according to the BBC. The Tampa Theater joined the list that also includes Havana's Cine Acapulco and The Castro Theatre in San Francisco.......more
Pic thanks to
Tampa Pix
The best website in Tampa. More here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

The Buffy
At Hamburger Mary's in Ybor City

Rick Scott Blasted For Deaths Of 40 Children

South Florida Democrats fired a stinging rebuke at Gov. Rick Scott (R) Thursday, holding him responsible for the deaths of 40 children who were known to state child welfare workers when they died during the first half of 2013.......more>
"Clearly, your idealogical agenda of smaller government and less regulation doesn't always neatly fit with the priority of child protection, which has resulted in heartbreaking outcomes for too many Florida children"  wrote Rep. Perry Thurston of Fort Lauderdale

Interview: Florida Cop Arrested For Refusing to Remove Guy Fawkes Mask

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Black Santa In Port Charlotte

Raíces en Tampa: DL4ALLFL

On Dec 17, a new immigrant rights group, Raíces en Tampa, met with community members and students to launch a movement to demand driver licenses for undocumented immigrants in Florida. Previous attempts to pass driver license bills in Florida had support, but still failed. In 2012, the Dream Act Driver License bill unanimously passed in the state legislature. However, Florida Governor Rick Scott brought it down with a veto. here