Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Dine With Ted Cruz In Sarasota

Only $5,000.00
The Republican Party of Sarasota will honor the Texas Tea Party lawmaker.
 2014 Statesman of the Year
Joining a list of past Republican standard-bearers such as 
Sean Hannity and Donald Trump.
A HUGE crowd is expected! So Make sure to arrive EARLY

Ybor Paparazzi

Mark (Tea Cup) with Chef Arsenio, long time chef (50 years) at
the Columbia Restaurant at Hamburger Marys.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Florida Blog Wars

Tampa Bay Blog
Saint Petersblog
Is Under Attack From The Left And The Right
   The Left                                   The Right
Pushing Rope                              Shark Tank

Business is BOOMING at Colorado Marijuana Shops

Join The Party here
Visit Stogie's Smoke Shop here
NY is Latest to Legalize Medical Pot


GOP Family Values

 A wife and three grown children in St. Petersburg
and a mistress and a new born baby in
 Washington DC.
A married man has an affair with his secretary. He likes it so much he wants to keep her on as his mistress, they even have a child together while he is still married. The wife tells him no and she wants a divorce. Then he has no further contact with the children from that marriage after 1986. Less than a year later, he was awarded the Family and Freedom Award from the Christian Voice, the nation's largest conservative religious lobby.
 He received the award because of
how he voted on "key moral issues."

The Florida Charter School Scam

Dunedin's Life Force Arts and Technology
One of the most egregious cases of mismanagement in Florida charter school history: a public elementary school that enriched its administrators, impoverished its teachers, failed its students
and collapsed in disgrace......more>

Hanan Islam and her company, Art of Management, fired teachers, starved classrooms of supplies and distributed books and pamphlets written by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard.
For months, Islam evaded warnings and visits from Pinellas County school officials, all the while steering more than $100,000 from the school to her private business accounts.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Florida Blue Revolution 2014

Join the revolution, turn Florida blue Nov. 4 2014 
Click here and pick a Candidate 

A New Breed Of Cuban-American

For more than two decades, running for Congress in this sun-soaked capital of Cuban exiles has required two things: a Republican registration card and a hard line toward the Castro regime. And then came Joe Garcia

In a break with the exile community, Garcia campaigned in support of loosening restrictions on Cuban-Americans who want to visit relatives on the island or send them money. Since taking office, he has pushed for U.S. trials of a Cuba-developed diabetes treatment and for easing travel rules for Cuban diplomats who visit the U.S. And while Florida Republicans, including Sen. Marco Rubio, fumed when President Barack Obama shook hands with Cuban President Raul Castro last month, Garcia dismissed it as a simple courtesy.

Welcome To Tampa

Expect Delays
Mayor Bob should  stop worrying about Pinellas and take care of us.  
WE NEED Transportation Solutions NOW !

Candidates Wanted For Dist. 5

The only one running so far is this guy. Any Dem, Green out there want to run against him?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Florida Tested, No One Approved

What Stogie Had For Lunch

 Meat Loaf
With yellow rice and veggies
At Hamburger Mary's on 7th Ave in Ybor City.

The Warmongering Wing Of The Democratic Party

A group of Democrats are joining Republicans in trying to undermine the White House's negotiations with Iran by imposing a new set of sanctions. Fifteen of them, actually, who prefer status quo bluster and threats to diplomacy that might actually do something to end Iran's nuclear ambitions. They are

Bob Menendez (NJ)
Chuck Schumer (NY)
Ben Cardin (MD)
Bob Casey (PA)
Chris Coons (DE)
Dick Blumenthal (CT)
Mark Begich (AK)
Mark Pryor (AR)
Mary Landrieu (LA)
Kirsten Gillibrand (NY)
Mark Warner (VA)
Kay Hagan (NC)
Joe Donnelly (IN)
Cory Booker (NJ)
Joe Manchin (WV)

Charlie Crist Apologizes for Backing Gay Marriage Ban

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Stogie Party

Ybor Paparazzi

Future Local Stars

Mayor Rick Kriseman

St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Kriseman was sworn in. 

Hillsborough County GOP

Hillsborough County
Rick Cochran -  Stacy White
Janet Lee Dougherty - Ken Hagan
Al Higginbotham - Don Kruse
Robin A. Lester - Terry Kemple

As of 12/30/2013 there are
Democratic: 309,348
Republican: 245,522
Lets keep these people out of office.
Join The Party
Please consider Mary Mulhern, Donna Lee Fore