Friday, January 17, 2014


The Florida Democrats'
proposal to raise the minimum wage
makes him “cringe.
 Speak up Floridians, it won't happen unless you bitch. 
Show your support for raising the minimum wage 
can you add your name.
AND VOTE HIM OUT November 4th


Ralph Nader's Letter To George W. Bush

At this time of the year, it is not unusual to receive various mailings from nonprofit organizations looking for crucial end-of-the-year donations. You can imagine my surprise when I received a request from a certain notorious former President of the United States asking for my financial support in his public policy center's efforts to address the "challenges facing our world." My response to this solicitation.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Liberal New High In 2013

A recent Gallup poll now showing the numbers of Americans who self-identify as “liberal” are both growing and at higher rates than they’ve been in twenty years, the party of “no” and philosophies of greed may be facing an impending curtain call, in the face of the growing inequality which is shaping up to be the defining legacy of America’s long and costly experiment with conservative pro-corporate policies.......more>

Graham for Congress

I’m so proud of all we have accomplished in 2013. We wouldn’t be where we are today without your support. Let’s keep the momentum going through victory on November 4th, 2014!


Publix Refusing To Support The Fair Food Program

Florida’s tomato farms supply
50% of all U.S. fresh tomatoes
but have also been called America’s ‘ground zero for slavery.’
Countless workers held against their will, threatened with violence and forced to haul hundreds of heavy tomato buckets a day for little to no pay. Thankfully, a new solution called the Fair Food Program has been proven successful. The Fair Food Program is working to enforce a policy of zero tolerance for slavery on tomato farms........more
But a major U.S. supermarket chain,
Publix Super Markets, is refusing to support the Fair Food Program.

Sink Favored to Win Special Election

More than a dozen operatives and officials from both parties interviewed by
were almost unanimous that Democrat Alex Sink, has emerged
as the unambiguous favorite in the race. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Rick Scott's Florida

Ex-TPD Cop Kills Man For Texting

It started with a father sending text messages to his daughter during the previews of a movie. It ended with the 43-year-old man shot dead at a Wesley Chapel movie theater and 71-year-old Curtis Reeves a retired TPD police officer in custody.......more
 He Claims He Feared For His Life
The 71-year-old “had every right to defend himself” when hit with an unknown object, which witnesses claimed was theater popcorn. The defendant’s attorney stated in court today. It is believed he will use a “stand your ground” defense.......more 

South Florida Rally: Close Guantanamo Now!

Over 100 protesters rallied near
U.S. Southern Command
To demand an end to the torture and abuse being
carried out in Guantanamo Bay.
 The rally was organized by South Florida-based POWIR – People’s Opposition to War, Imperialism, and Racism. The anti-war group formed a coalition
with several groups to lead the protest, including
Code Pink, Students for a Democratic Society and Veterans for Peace........more>

Mr. Blue: Pick A Candidate

We Recommend Nan Rich
Gibson, Kyle Chaderwick (NPA) Active   
Adeshina, Yinka Abosede (REP) Active   
Anderson, Rubin Lewis (NPA) Active   
Crist, Charlie  (DEM) Active   
Cuevas-Neunder, Elizabeth  (REP) Active   
Devine, Timothy Michael (REP) Active   
Fraleigh, James Edward (INT) Active   
Giger, Herman Lee (NPA) Active   
Griffis, Mark D. (NPA) Active   
Horwath, Jefferson L. (NPA) Active   
Khavari, Farid A (DEM) Active   
Lipner, Ryan Adam (DEM) Active   
Martelly, Marcelle  (DEM) Active   
Pribble II, Robert Leonard (REP) Active   
Rabinowitz, Jeffrey Gabriel (NPA) Active   
Reed, C. C. (NPA) Active   
Rich, Nan H. (DEM) Active   
Rolle, Leonard  (NPA) Active   
Samuel, Berthram B. (REP) Active   
Scott, Richard L. (REP)  *Incumbent Active   
Smith, Dr. Joe  (REP) Active   
Smith, John Wayne (LPF) Active   
Stewart, Jessica Lana (DEM) Active   
Tolbert, Charles Frederick (NPA) Active   
Trujillo, Lesther  (NPA) Active   
Wyllie, Adrian  (LPF) Active   
Yarrow, Atlee David (SPF) Active   

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Buccaneer Cheerleader Hottest In The NFL

#1 Tiffany
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers cheerleading team

Florida GOP Welcome Chris Christie

To benefit Gov. Rick Scott's re-election campaign
 He will be in Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach and Orlando for a series of fund-raising appearances on behalf of the Republican Governors Association.....more>
"We always welcome Gov. Christie to Florida,"
Will Weatherford

Candidates File To Run For Florida Legislature

A flood of campaign filings this week show a number of competitors
drawn to races across the state......more>
District 8
DeWayne Harvey
District 35

Farm To Table In Seminole Heights

Rooster and the Till
Our local food expert Jon Rector of SOG
With The Belle of Ballast Point and Under Dog and Sweet Polly visited a local restaurant that we are hearing good things about.
Read what he has to say here, Sweet Polly's version
Eat Local - Stay Local

Monday, January 13, 2014

Florida Blue Revolution

Tuition Equity At USF

All Bulls Are Equal
In the state of Florida, thousands of young people are denied access to higher education because they are forced to pay out of state tuition, despite meeting the requirements for in-state tuition. Ask the USF Board of Trustees and administration to change this, joining FIU and states across the country in granting tuition equity at

Tampa Bay Bike Share

Opening day is set for some time in April, the organizers of
Tampa Bay Bike Share
are now looking for places to park their fleet of rental bikes around
Tampa’s downtown core.......more>

Umatilla Republican

Alan Hays
The epitome of Florida conservatism