Saturday, March 22, 2014

Republican Threesome

Keeping their females in line

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Filet Salteado
With yellow rice and yuca
At  Ybor Grille Southshore in Ruskin

Support for Grayson



1.2 TRILLION Dollars of Corporate Welfare In US Budget

 Right Wing where is your outrage?
Fox News, Radio, Bloggers, Tea Party
Everybody Silent
YET you have the audacity to levy accusations of
“economic burden” at immigrants and the poor.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Ybor Paparazzi

Immokalee workers demand higher wages from Publix

 Justice in Immokalee!
“The Now Is the Time Tour”
On March 14, the CIW arrived in Lakeland. Hundreds of protesters gathered outside of a local Publix store. Groups of people arrived throughout the night to take part in a 24-hour vigil. The local police were in full force, as well. They told people not to enter the parking lot - threatening them with arrests and car towing......more>

Tampa Bay From Space

I Am GOP: Tom Lee, Brandon

Lee's proposed amendment would give Florida's next governor
power to pack state Supreme Court. If voters approve Lee's amendment in November, Gov. Rick Scott, if re-elected, or his successor will have the power to appoint a majority of the seven-member court, a legacy that could last for decades.......more

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Friends Of Stogie

The Incredibly Hot, Alison
Hard working bartender
At Pix Lounge. 10005 N Florida Ave, Tampa

GOP Red States Have Highest Poverty Rates

Why do people vote against their own best interest.
People in these states consistently vote against their own best interests
 by electing Republicans. 
 The apparent disregard for human life is evident in how
the people in each of those states live.

NOW Endorsement Of Nan Rich

I believe Florida women deserve a governor who will protect their reproductive healthcare options, and do more to fund education, childcare
and vital social services......more
Primary election August 26, 2014

Howard Dean Called It Right Years Ago

Right after the 2010 elections Democrats had absolutely nothing to lose at all by taking the liberal stances on issues that mattered to people and affected their lives.
Instead...all we got was preaching about more "bipartisanship", getting along with the other side, bite the other side, without the involvement and commitment of people at the ground level, you don't really have a party. Look what happen to Sink. Be proud to be a liberal You have no pool from which to draw future congresspeople, senators, and presidents.
And you have no genuine excitement...."He says "the truth is when you trade your values for the hope of winning, you end up losing and having no values--so you keep losing.
We have to reconnect to the base.......more>
 We have tried cautious, centrist, moderate, bipartisan. We have tried being careful not to take strong stands. We have gone along with right wing policies trying to please.
It hasn't worked very well. 

Sick 'n Broke: The Game Republicans Play With Your Health