Monday, April 28, 2014

Florida's Right Wing Infestation

Stogie's Pest Control 

Florida GOP Don Gaetz Claims Democrats Are "Communists"

Florida Pass A Clean Springs Bill!

Please call your Senator and urge them to support SB 1576, and then call your Representative to urge them to take up the Springs bill (which will be amended onto a bill that is moving in the House) and pass it without any amendments.  This link will give you the contact information for your 

  Remember, phone calls are more effective than emails which can easily be deleted.

Rick Scott Changes The Rules

Regarding what falls under
“public records” 
 making it harder for citizens and journalists
to get an idea of how Florida is conducting “the people’s business.”

Florida GOP Kelli Stargel

The Republican 
State senator from Lakeland's bill to restrict small craft beer brewers from selling directly to the public has made her a poster child for legislators appearing much
More concerned with protecting powerful special interests 
Than the free market and small businesses.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Rick Scott: Cómo se dice "pander"?

Florida Hispanics Beware
Rick Scott campaigned in 2010 on his support for extreme Tea Party Arizona-style anti-immigrant legislation. He vetoed a bill to allow children of undocumented immigrants to get a temporary driver's license. So why is he now "considering" giving in-state tuition to these same young Floridians? Sounds like an awfully convenient election year change of heart as Scott looks to improve his dire standing among
Florida's Latino voters.

MC Film Fest

Bill Moyers on America's Mad Dash Toward Oligarchy

Florida Governor 2014

Nan Rich (D) - Ex-State Senate Minority Leader, Ex-State Rep.
& amp Ex-National Council of Jewish Women President
Charlie Crist (D) - Ex-Governor, Ex-Attorney General, Ex-State Sen.,
 Ex-Republican & '10/'98 US Sen. Candidate
Farid Khavari (Independent) - Economist & '10 Candidate
Monroe Lee (D) - Civil Engineer & Frequent Candidate
Ryan Lipner (D) - Frequent Candidate
Dr. Marcelle Martelly (D) - Social Worker
Roland McCoy (D) - Salesman

Jessica Stewart (D) - Restaurant Worker &
Pro-Casino Activist
Randy Zapata (D) - Recent College Graduate

& '06 Candidate
James Fraleigh (Independent Party)
 Naomi Craine (Socialist Workers/Write-In) - Trotskyist Political Organizer &
'12 US Sen. Candidate
Joe Allen (Independent) - Retired Teacher & '10 Candidate

Rubin Anderson (Independent) - Baptist Pastor, Community Activist & Felon
Vassilia Gazetas (Independent)

                 Kyle "KC" Gibson (Independent)Pastor
Herman Giger (Independent) - Pilot, Flight Instructor, Army Veteran & '10 Candidate
Mark Griffis (Independent) - System Administrator & Community Activist
Jefferson Horwath (Independent) - Waiter, National Guard Veteran & '08 Lake Mary Mayor Candidate
C.C. Reed (Independent) - Businessman & Frequent Candidate
Leonard Rolle (Independent) - Federal Disaster Housing Inspector & '10/'12 Pahokee Mayor Candidate

Charles Tolbert (Independent) - Minister, Retired Army Master Sergeant & Vietnam War Veteran
Lesther Trujillo (Independent) - Limousine Driver & '10 Candidate
Paul Murray (Write-In)

Could be harmful to your health
Atlee Yarrow (American Freedom) - Press Operator, White Supremacist Activist
Steve LaBianca (Libertarian) - Activist & Business Consultant                 
John Wayne Smith (Libertarian) - Libertarian Activist, Awning Installer, Army Veteran & Frequent Candidate
Adrian Wyllie (Libertarian) - State Party Chair, Businessman & Veteran 
Rick Scott (R)* - (Campaign Site)
Yinka Adeshina (R) - Pharmacist & 12 Presidential Candidate
Vincent Angiolillo (R) - Limousines Company Owner & '12 Collier County Sheriff Candidate
Elizabeth Cuevas-Neunder (R) - Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce of Florida President & Businesswoman
Tim Devine (R) - Frequent Candidate
Berthram Samuel (R) - '10 Candidate
Dr Joe Smith (R) - Chiropractor & Frequent Candidate
Simple, Pick One And Vote

Have the Homeless Become Invisible?

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Verizon Killed Net Neutrality

At the behest of Verizon
A federal appellate court struck down the FCC’s Open Internet Order and internet providers are now free to discriminate – block or slow down – any web site or application they choose. But the FCC can save it.

I'm Sorry But I Am Not Gonna Travel Beside A Negro

Florida GOP To Cost Business Millions

The Medicaid expansion refusal is the doing of one man:
GOP Speaker of the House
Will Weatherford

We're losing out on
Seven to ten million dollars a day
tax money sent to the federal government  that other states will now get.
It may be responsible for the deaths of as many as
Six Floridians a day.
Wake Up Pasco County

Painfully Ignorant In Miami

Florida Is At The Center Of The Climate Crisis

Stand with Bill Nelson
who pulled an all-nighter to demand action on climate change.

Ask Senator Rubio to speak up about sea level rise issues that threaten Florida and urge him to protect Florida communities from the impacts
of climate change.
Take Action Today!

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Money Dictates Florida Legislative Agenda

How Ft. Lauderdale Handles The Homeless

Florida is now, and always has been in the postcard business. Not literally, in the sense that postcard sales make up a significant portion of Florida’s economy — more in the sense that the state itself, at least the parts that are visible to tourists and outside money, should ideally look exactly as pictured on the postcards they see.......more>

Friday, April 25, 2014

Hillsborough Dems Want A Crist-Rich Debate

The Un-Democratic Broward County Democratic Executive Committee
voted against a resolution calling for a primary debate.