Monday, May 5, 2014

UFO At Springsteen Concert In Sunrise

A Florida airline pilot who was outside with family 
in Sunrise exiting a Bruce Springsteen concert 
reported watching a "large, pulsating, bright white light" that changed shape and color and 
 conducted maneuvers in the sky.
Even aliens like the boss.  

Marissa Alexander Is Released From Prison

TBT: Rick Scott Loser of the week

Tampa Bay Times
The week started with Scott at a South Florida seniors event publicly trashing Obamacare only to be surrounded by elderly supporters of the 
Affordable Care Act. 
It ended with another poll suggesting 
his millions of dollars in 
anti-Charlie Crist 
ads aren't moving the

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Florida GOP Busted

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection  ordered the Dan A. Hughes Company to cease all new drilling operations in Southwest Florida. The news comes a day after Senator Bill Nelson issued a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency calling for a federal investigation of the Hughes Company. more>

Make Tampa Bay More EV Friendly

In Tampa Bay, the largest source of our air pollution is not from industrial activity or coal plants it's from tailpipe emissions from our cars and trucks. 
Tell your county administrator to support the programs and incentives that will help us make the switch from gas guzzlers to electric vehicles!

Support The Party

Support The Party

5 Things You Don't Know About JEB

1.  Jeb was paid big bucks by Lehman Brothers on a scheme to save them.
2.  Greedy. Rushed into very shady deals to make money.
3.  Tea party hates him. I mean really.
4.  Jeb was the one responsible for Stand Your Ground.
5. Ran the most dysfunctional Department of Children and Families in the nation.

Ybor City Saturday Market

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Epic Florida GOP Fail: Florida Number 2, Behind California

Remember that train wreck that is Obamacare? 
 Apparently nearly 1 million Floridians 
didn’t get the memo.
Despite the diversionary efforts by Fl GOP
983,775 Floridians 
enrolled for coverage under the law in March 
second only to California.
Republicans will now have another reason to despise Obamacare,with record enrollments even in red

Florida Dems Cave On Voucher Expansion

The Florida GOP 
passed a controversial expansion of the school voucher program. All 26 Senate Republicans and three Senate Democrats voted for it.
  Gwen Margolis, of Miami; 
Jeremy Ring, of Margate; 
and Darren Soto, of Orlando.

Read more here:

Read more here:

Nan Rich - LGBT Voters

Nan Rich Florida Governor 2014

Clinton Wins In Florida

Clinton tops several possible
Republican candidates in Florida: 
  • 49 - 41 percent over Bush;
  • 52 - 40 percent over Rubio;
  • 55 - 37 percent over Paul;
  • 52 - 34 percent over Christie;
  • 56 - 36 percent over Ryan;
  • 57 - 31 percent over Cruz;
  • 53 - 35 percent over Huckabee
  • here

John Morgan: Florida Governor 2014

Friday, May 2, 2014

Raíces en Tampa May Day Rally In Ybor

The ICE office 
1624 E 7th Ave. Ybor City
Don't forget the 
 May 3, 2014 Rally
at Ybor's Centennial Park

Sen. Nelson asks feds to investigate fracking near Everglades

U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson 
is calling on the nation’s environmental chief to scrutinize oil drilling activities by a Texas-based company caught in what has been described as fracking at a well site in the shadow of the Everglades.......more

In just the past year and a half, Gov. Rick Scott’s administration has granted about a dozen permits.

Florida Stand Your Ground FAIL

Give Day Tampa Bay

May 6, 2014
This is a big, bold opportunity for our community.  We’re joining more than 100 communities across the country to raise millions of dollars for the greater good — all on a single

GOP Declared Economic War On The American People

The Republicans — who recently shot down $12 million dollars over the next 10 years to keep children out of the sex trade while voting for $310 billion dollars in corporate tax cuts in addition to shutting down any discussion on the minimum wage.