Wednesday, July 23, 2014

What Stogie Had For Lunch

All you can eat

Poor GOP Fools (Tools)

A new poll released Tuesday found that a large majority of Republicans believe they can’t live off of the current federal minimum wage.
69% of Republicans 
surveyed believed that the minimum wage 
is too low to live on. 
only 37% of Republicans 
support actually raising it. here

It's the Liberal media that makes them think this way.

The Butler's On Bugg Road

10 Laziest States in the Nation

Mississippi Tennessee West Virginia Louisiana Alabama Oklahoma Arkansas Kentucky Indiana Missouri, ALL RED here
Failed Republican policies, right there in the 
Republican “heart”land

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Nan Rich To Speak in St. Pete

Thursday, July 24th– 7:00PM 
Marriott Hotel - 12600 Roosevelt Blvd. N. more

KISS’ Gene Simmons Can Fuck Off

It’s fantastic! The 1 percent pays 80 percent of all taxes. Fifty percent of the population of the U.S. pays no taxes. The 1 percent provides all the jobs for everybody else. If the 1 percent didn’t exist, there would be chaos and the American economy would drop dead. Try being nice to rich people. I don’t remember the last poor person who gave me a job.” here

KISS will be in Tampa Tomorrow at the Amphitheater with Def Leppard. They are the headliner, if you go, we are, watch Def Leppard and leave.

Funeral services for the Republican Party

Members of United We Dream, Maria Palacios of Tampa and others hold a mock coffin during a protest July 21, 2014 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Activists staged "funeral services for the Republican Party" because "the GOP has embraced radical 
right-wing policies and has actively 
called for the separation of families and 
the deportation of Dreamers." here  

Monday, July 21, 2014

Raíces en Tampa - Driver's Licenses For All

Tampa Bay Times Loser Of The Week: Pam Bondi

The attorney general, who immediately appealed a South Florida court ruling overturning 
Florida's same-sex marriage ban,
 is becoming the face of opposition to marriage equality. All signs point to the 
tide of history rolling over Bondi, 
who is up for re-election in November.

Florida GOP Thinks You're An Idiot

    Lewis' ruling was the equivalent of bare-bottom spanking for the entire gang of Republican rock-throwers. Lewis used phrases such as 
cunning, ambitious and
unprincipled men. here

Police Union in Florida Files a Complaint Against Corrupt Gov. Rick Scott

James Garner RIP

 April 7, 1928 – July 19, 2014

Thanks Sen. Nelson

Great news! Senator Nelson just became the Senate’s latest co-sponsor for SJ Res 19, the proposed constitutional amendment to fight the corruptive influence of big money in politics!
It’s important that Sen. Nelson knows his decision has the support of Floridians like you. Can you spare a few minutes to call Sen. Nelson’s office and thank him for joining the fight to undo the damage of decisions like
Citizens United?
Sen. Nelson’s office: (202) 224-5274

With the addition of Sen. Nelson, SJ Res 19 now has 48 co-sponsors in the Senate! One name that’s still absent from that growing list? Senator Rubio’s. That’s why we need you to call Sen. Rubio today and ask why he hasn’t joined Sen. Nelson in supporting this critical amendment to restore strength and integrity to our democracy.
Sen. Rubio’s office: (202) 224-3041

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Stacy White: Hillsborough County Beware

Hillsborough County now complicit in cover-up? here
Stacy White conspires to block Audit Vote! here
Stacy White on Bipolar School Board here 

STOP The Everglades Walmart


Annette Taddeo On The Stogie 2007-2014

Florida Hate Group Leaders

In a decision some called “the beginning of the end” of Florida’s ban on gay marriage, a Monroe County judge ruled Thursday that two Key West bartenders and other gay couples must be allowed to marry. here

Anthony Verdugo, executive director of the Christian Family Coalition of Florida, called the ruling a “corrupt decision,” and a “judicial lynching of nearly 8 million Florida voters” who voted to ban same-sex marriage in 2008. John Stemberger, who led that 2008 campaign, said he would keep fighting. “This is an issue worth dying for,” said Stemberger, president and general counsel of the Florida Family Policy Council in Orlando. “Every domestic partnership, every single civil union, every couple that cohabitates, these arrangements dilute and devalue marriage.”

Read more here:

I Will Vote Florida