Saturday, July 26, 2014

Tell President Obama the seismic fight isn't over

The Obama Administration 
made a huge mistake  authorizing the use of deadly seismic blasting of the U.S. East Coast. These blast threaten to injure or kill up to 138,200 marine mammals—including endangered right whales—and devastate coastal communities who depend on tourism, fishing, and coastal recreation. here

Governor Scott, your 10AM meeting has arrived

We are waiting for you to take action on climate change. Please schedule and attend the meeting with our 10 leading climate scientists right away. here

Call Kathy Castor

Tell her: "As your constituent, I'm calling to ask you to vote for House Concurrent Resolution 105, which would keep America from sliding back to war in Iraq. Along with the rest of the American public, I strongly oppose U.S. military involvement in Iraq. Thank you." Report your call here

Friday, July 25, 2014

More Florida GOP BS

"With Rick Scott, there are more funds for preschool education.
"July 22nd,2014 in a TV ad 

Tony Dungy Is World's Worst Person In Sports

We are better off without him!

Stop All Aboard Florida

Sign here

Rally In Support of Refugee Children In Ybor City

WHO: Raíces en Tampa
WHAT: Action in support of refugee children
WHEN: July 31, 2014 - 7:00 pm
WHERE: Immigration Office 1624 E 7th Ave Ybor City, Florida info

Contact: Marisol Marquez 813.846.6893 
Alicia Gazga  239.404.2187

What is Rick Scott Hiding?

Charlotte's Web Is A Sham

Politicians who sympathize with Amendment 2 should consider getting on their voters' level and leveling with us with at least half the passion that Rutherford and Bean put into advocating for the failed status quo. Amendment 2 will fail if its advocates continue to relinquish control of the narrative to those political lifers poised to benefit from things staying as they are, the phony Reagan-conservative wannabes who have stolen liberties for decades, under the cover of flag pins and security emergencies. here

Drill, Spill, Repeat? Breaking Offshore Oil Drilling's Destructive Cycle

Hillary Clinton Wins In Florida

According to a Quinnipiac University poll released  Thursday, the former secretary of state holds a 7-percentage-point lead in match-ups against potential GOP challengers in the politically crucial Sunshine State. here

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Tthe Cuban Adjustment Act

Gives special status to Cubans who arrive on U.S. soil. Protection not afforded to children from Honduras, Guatemala 
and other
Pic: The Commons Getty Collection

Charlie Crist Leads Rick Scott By 6

A new SurveyUSA poll shows 
Charlie Crist leading Florida GOP Rick Scott 
in the governor's race 
by six points, 46% to 40%. here

Another Pat Kemp Party

Tonight 5:30 – 7:00 pm
The Independent
5016 N. Florida Ave Tampa

Def Leppard In Tampa

Def Leppard Rocks The Amphitheatre
Stayed long enough  to take this one of KISS. here
$10 Beers and $4.50 for a bottle of water?

Mario Perez-Tano Of Miami