Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Flesh-Eating Bacteria In Florida Waters

Visiting Florida? Stay out of the water
 Florida health officials are issuing their yearly warning to swimmers (and diners) about the dangers of a flesh-eating bacteria that’s caused two deaths already this year. There are two ways you can contract vibrio vulnificus — through swimming in infected water with an open wound or by eating raw shellfish contaminated with the bacteria. here

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Miami Cuban Mafia Backs Jeb Bush

Mario (Frado) Diaz-Balart
Ileana (La Senora) Ros-Lehtinen 

Two members of the powerful Miami Cuban Mafia are backing Bush over one of their own. 

Marco (El Guapo) Rubio

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Mike
He is from Sacramento, CA
Homeless 3 years.

We Know Jeb Bush Well

  • It was Bush who, in violation of the Florida Constitution, repeatedly tried to take control of Terri Schiavo's very private end-of-life decision. 
  • He signed the "stand your ground" law in 2006 at the behest of the National Rifle Association. 
  • He implemented massive curtailments of early voting, resulting in the wholesale disenfranchisement of hundreds of thousands of Floridians, mostly African-American, in the 2008 election.
  • He opposed gay rights. 
  • He ended affirmative action in state contracts and college admissions.
  • Implemented a massive school voucher program.
  • Signed any antiabortion bill the Legislature sent him.
  • Billions in tax cuts to our wealthiest residents and corporations.
  • To pay for his tax breaks, he shifted billions more in property taxes onto the backs of homeowners and borrowed at unprecedented levels.
  • When he became governor, Florida had $13.2 billion in outstanding debt. When he left office in 2007, Florida's outstanding debt was over $23 billion, a 77 percent increase.
  • Under his administration, everyday Floridians were left with higher property taxes and greater debt.
  • Thank you Dan Gelber here 

The Heights Collective

Visit their website here
Like them on Facebook

Florida GOP Approves More Corporate Welfare

$400 million in corporate welfare to special interest groups and targeted industries. Taxes would be slashed for boat and yacht repairs, jet fuel for aviation schools and gun club memberships 
among them. 

Florida GOP Jack Latvala of Clearwater, defended the tax cuts on boat repairs. 

They did give us some scraps, cut our cell phone bills by about $20, give back-to-school shoppers 10 days of sales tax free shopping, and lower textbook prices for 
college students.

"Please turn your dead brains back to the "on" position and start thinking critically about what the Legislature is doing. They give you $20 in your left pocket while stealing $100 from your right pocket by forcing you to subsidize their lobbyist friends." Susan Smith

Monday, June 15, 2015

Solidarity Sunday - Tampa Bay

Party On Central
Tampa Bay's leading activists

Local legend Ronny Elliott with host Orrick Norwood

John takes care of us at Lee's Grocery
Central Ave, Tampa

Marco Rubio Fact

Tampa Bay Acoustic Music Festival

Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Tampa is having a month long acoustic festival in June every Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Check out one of our favorite. info
Jessica Rose
Friday, June 19th. 7pm

Right Wing Pest Control In Hillsborough County

Are you ready to vote?

Hillsborough County School District Feeds Kids When School’s Out

Anyone age 18 and under is eligible for free breakfast and lunch on week days all summer.

To find a site near you, visit 
or call 211. 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Bush 2016- Four More Years

Jeb's rejected new logo

More Bullshit In Hillsborough County

The county paid a million dollars on focus groups, surveys and polls to tell them that more people would vote yes to a half cent sales tax hike than a full cent. 

And their research showed residents want to see more of that money spent building and repairing roads than improving public transportation.

See chart above. This is a lie.
we want rail.

Rail wasn't even on the survey form. They told us to write it in. Check out our post on April 29, 2015 of the last meeting. here, It was all a sham.

At that meeting in Temple Terrace we were told that light rail, opponent and local Tea Bagger Sharon Calvert attends every meeting, 
where were you?

Hillsborough County Commissioners don't waste our time

What Pilar And Stogie Had For Lunch

Chicken Tacos and Chicken Bowl
With Caesar salads and Bloody Marys
At BeefOBrady’s Spring Hill
Visit them here

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless living in Tampa

Jon Stewart Mocks NY Times over Rubio: ‘How Is This Front-Page News?’

Hillsborough County Young Democrats - June Meeting 2015 In Ybor

June 16 - 6:30pm
CoWork Ybor, 1901 E. 7th Ave, Ybor City

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Miami Cop Antonio Torres Murders Homeless Man in Front Of 50 Children

Police say  two officers responded to an emergency call that a homeless guy 
(Fritz Severe) was “armed with a metal object” in front of dozens of children at a city park and that one, a 20-year veteran of the department, “confronted the subject and shot him 5 times.

Witnesses, however, said Severe, a homeless 45-year-old who was familiar to local residents in the Overtown neighbourhood, was posing no threat to the children or the two officers who approached him, and was only waving his walking stick at them. here

“He was a homeless man, wasn’t bothering nobody. The man walks around, we see him every morning with his stick, the same little stick that he had in his hand when the police officer shot him five times.” Nichelle Green

A second witness, Stephanie Severance, said: “They really didn’t have to shoot that man. What happened to the tasers? Why couldn’t they tase him?”

 In The US: 479 People Killed By Police So Far This Year